
Monday, March 7, 2011

Sour Grapes from other ULC's & satan is nothing new


We Follow The Original Universal Life Church of 2nd Century Origin
Since the 2nd Century our Universal Life Church name has always been proprietary to Christianity. The word Universal comes from the Greek Language and it means catholic. Catholic with a small 'c' means Christian, don't confuse catholic with a small 'c' with the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism is of the Christian Faith, but catholic denotes all Christians.
Universal (Life) Church was the original name of the second century Roman Church and yes our Universal Life Church does possess apostolic succession to Christ.
Don't be led astray by other non-Christian Churches with the same name. They claim to be the original, but how can they be  when their not even a Christian Church. Jesus forewarned us such would come - don't fall victim they ordain followers of satan & atheists. They are not Christian.
Several times each and every day I pray to our Lord Jesus and I thank him each and every time for what he endured for both me and you. It's not everyday someone goes through what our Lord went through on Good Friday nearly 2000 years ago. If you are one of the few who has yet to watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of Christ" may I suggest that you do so. When I saw this movie when it was first released I could not sit and watch straight through, I needed to close my eyes or turn my head when our Lord Jesus was beaten.
We as Christians today are still persecuted, I am no exception. As leader of the world's largest Christian Universal Life Church, the name of our founding Church of the second century I face my critics, especially those who lead or are affiliated with the anti-Christian Universal Life Churches started by the twice defrocked, Kirby Hensley as Life Church in 1959. One of these Churches even has a website that resembles the National Enquirer attacking all other leaders of every other ULC and I'm no exception, claiming I'm a convicted felon, etc., etc.
I assure you I am no convicted felon, it is just propaganda being spewed by a very hateful individual(s) who are anti-Christian and who have been faced with a cold hard dose of reality.
We have put a huge dent into Satan's battleship.
Our Lord Jesus Christ will not tolerate the practices of these other Universal Life Churches that ordain followers of satan and atheists, churches that make a mockery of our Lord's message to us all. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that these other Universal Life Churches and all those associated therewith will be destroyed.
When God showed to Peter the rock for which his Church was to be built upon, he did not tell Peter it was a Church to ordain followers of satan, atheists and other such likes.
Our Christian Universal Life Church has blown the cover off these satanic ULC's and their anti Christian ways.
Once again we Christians have regained control of the largest Universal Life Church and the leader thereof will not let up. When it comes to my conviction to our Lord Jesus Christ and fighting satan on his behalf as a soldier of Christ, I am relentless and I will never succumb to the dark side.
I ask all Christians and all who believe in Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham, which includes my brothers and sisters with the Religion of Islam, or of the Jewish Community and all others, let us together unite and let us destroy satan and the evildoers who follow the anti-Christ.
We owe it to future generations, we owe it to our children. Remember what Jesus tells us in the Bible, there will be those that come.
We have those who use the first name of our Christian Church who ordain followers of satan, atheists, evildoers and non-believers, they are only looking to thwart your beliefs and opinions. Do not fall for it. Stay away from the other ULC's (Universal Life Churches), stay on the pathway Christ told us to stay upon.
Remember the wider, the more popular pathway in today's society may not be the right path. Reach down into your subconcious, tap into your inner soul and do that which you believe in your gut is right.
They can squeeze them sour grapes dry, the intimidation tactics and their threats and the BS will not prevail. Christ will prevail as will his followers.
Join with me today.
~ Brother Michael

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