Sirius Channel 159 * XM Channel 117
The Catholic Channel was a dream that did materialize of the former NYC Archbishop, Cardinal Edward Egan. When Cardinal Egan retired, Archbishop Timothy Dolan was transferred from the Milwaukee Archdiocese to NYC to take over for Cardinal Egan and as a result he took over the Catholic Channel as well.
Three of my favorites other than Archbishop Dolan are Lino Rulli, known as The Catholic Guy. Lino is as unconventional as they come. I'm surprised they haven't fired him! He has his own way and he is very effective at that. Lino is from Minneapolis, single and resides in NY and no Lino is not homosexual, that I do not believe the Roman Catholic Church would allow. LOL
Gus Lloyd is the morning man, a tad more traditional but every bit as interesting as Lino Rulli. Gus' claim to fame is Seize the Day, he was a popular DJ with Spirit Radio here in Florida for many years. Gus is a class act and he actually does his radio show from his home here in Florida. Both my sister and myself have been on his show.
Third and final and certainly not least is Fr Dave Dwyer, host of the Busted Halo Show. Busted Halo is a longtime featured attraction on our Universal Life Church Facebook Fanpage. It is clearly the most popular and the most read submissions. Busted Halo is in tune with today's Catholic. Fr Dave has an enormous talent to convey his message to the younger generation. Fr Dave is a member of the Paulist Community.
The Catholic Channel is for all Catholics, not just Roman Catholics. The Catholic Channel is for all Christians, not just those who profess to be Catholic. It is a very With It Channel with some very enjoyable listening. The Universal Life Church highly recommends The Catholic Channel. Be sure to listen to Archbishop Dolan each week, it is a great learning experience. I miss Cardinal Egan greatly, but Archbishop Dolan is a very gifted individual in his own right. To hear Brother Timothy talk you would never think he was an Archbishop.
Seize the Day with Gus Lloyd Weekdays 6 am & 8:30 am ET Gus Lloyd gets your day started with a prayer and a smile. Seize the Day and live in the joy of the Lord! Gus chats with newsmakers, personalities and callers to discuss what’s on their minds and in their hearts. Email Seize the Day at
Tune in for The Vatican World News at 6 am ET.
The Catholics Next Door Weekdays 10 am ETIf your neighbors have enough kids to start their own basketball team, then you might already know Greg and Jennifer Willits — The Catholics Next Door! With a unique mix of real life and the Catholic faith, The Catholics Next Door is about marriage and kids, pop culture and the other funny stuff of everyday living. It's about the fun side of life, with a generous dose of Catholicism thrown in for good measure. You've seen them at Church and around the block, now get to know The Catholics Next Door with Greg and Jennifer Willits!
Email The Catholics Next Door at
Across The Nation with Bob Dunning Weekdays 2 pm ET & 10 pm ETVeteran broadcaster Bob Dunning takes an in-depth look at the news and issues of the day from a Catholic perspective. Bob will help make sense of the most important stories that are in the headlines and on your mind.
Email Across the Nation at
The Catholic Guy with Lino Rulli Weekdays 4 pm ET Lino Rulli is described by his friends as "The Catholic Guy" because that is exactly what he is… an everyday Catholic guy with a fresh, fun, and often off-beat take on living out the faith in the world today. Join Lino, "The Catholic Guy," for a look at the world unlike any you’ve heard before.
Email The Catholic Guy at
Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer Weekdays 7 pm ETNobody’s perfect, but we’re all on a journey toward God—so we all have "busted halos!" Paulist Father Dave Dwyer, who had a career in television (MTV, Comedy Central) and radio before being ordained a priest, invites young adult Catholics to make the connection between faith and everyday life.
Email Busted Halo at
Sounds from the Spires Mondays 1 pm ET Explore the world of the arts, especially music, as seen through the eyes of the Church. Hosted by Dr. Jennifer Pascual, music director of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Pathways of Learning Tuesdays 1 pm ET What can life teach you? And how can your faith teach you about life and the world you live in. Join Sister Marie Pappas on Pathways of Learning every Tuesday to learn about "life’s larger lessons" and the classroom that is as big the whole world around you. It’s all about living, learning and believing.
Just Love Wednesdays 1 pm ET JustLove is about more than just loving others. It's about feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. It's about advocating for a just and compassionate society in which everyone -- young and old, citizen and newcomer, Catholic and non-Catholic -- can live and thrive in peace and safety. JustLove is about the work Catholic Charities do nationwide to rebuild after disasters, to touch almost every human need, and to provide help and create hope where they're needed. It's about doing rather than JustLiving.
A Conversation with the Archbishop Thursdays 1 pm ETEach week, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan will answer your e-mails, discuss a variety of topics and address what is happening in the Archdiocese of New York and other significant issues in the Church.
Word to Life with Father Gabriel Gillen Fridays 1 pm ET Father Gabriel Gillen, a Dominican Friar, helps us to understand God's Word, and how to live it out in our daily lives, with a contemporary and insightful look at our Sunday readings.
Stirring the Pot with Fr. Leo Patalinghug Thursdays 10 pm ET During LentStirring the Pot focuses on discussing controversial issues families can talk about at the dinner table. Host Father Leo Patalinghug talks through ways to bring about conversation that result in conversion, rather than confrontation. Tune in for this special series during Lent.
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