I tell folks I presided over my 1st Catholic Mass at the age of 8 years old and they look at me like.....sure I bet you were Pope by the age of ten too. I don't blame people for not believing me, as the Roman Catholic Church has this thing called age restriction, nonetheless it is true.
As Paul Harvey made famous, now here is the rest of the story and pictures I hope you enjoy.
All three of my older sister's were Nuns yes and I am talking the Sister kind of Nun. Two of the three did not make their final vows, one did and this is my sister, Sister Karlyn. In her early years, 4+ decades ago she spent time at Holy Ghost Parish in Dickeyville, WI. Dickeyville is located in the extreme SW corner of Wisconsin, right across the river from Dubuque, Iowa. Holy Ghost Parish is famous for "The Grotto."
A Beautiful Experience
The Dickeyville Grotto and Shrines erected in the Village of Dickeyville, Wisconsin on Holy Ghost Parish grounds are the works of Father Matthias Wernerus, a Catholic Priest, Pastor of the Parish from 1918 to 1931. His handiwork in stone, built from 1925-1930, is dedicated to the unity of two great American ideals-love of God and love of Country. These religious and patriotic shrines were constructed without the use of blueprints.
It is a creation in stone, mortar and bright colored objects-collected materials from all over th
e world. These include colored glass, gems, antique heirlooms of pottery or porcelain, stalagmites and stalactites, sea shells, starfish, petrified sea urchins and fossils, and a variety of corals, amber glass, agate, quartz, ores, such as iron, copper and lead, fool's gold, rock crystals, onyx, amethyst and coal, petrified wood and moss.
There are several shrines in the Grotto garden. Besides the main shrine (which houses the Grotto of the Blessed Virgin), there is a patriotic shrine, the sacramental shrine of the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Heart shrine, Christ the King shrine, Fatima shrine, and the Stations of the Cross. These shrines are located in a beautiful floral garden area surrounding the Holy Ghost Church.
The rectory of Holy Ghost Parish had a Chapel, this was in addition to the main Holy Ghost Church, the rectory or parsonage is where Priests or Ministers reside. For example my residence here in Carrabelle is considered the Universal Life Church Rectory or Parsonage.
Being that my sister was a NUN, I was afforded perks, now I call it perks, but the Priest, my parents and my sister probably felt.....hey it'll keep Michael occupied, out of our hair and out of trouble. One of these perks as I call them was enabling me to use the Chapel inside the rectory, coupled with chalices, missalettes, vestments (my Mom made or my sister somewhere found vestments my size). Also know that I did not discriminate either, I have you know my little sister, Maureen was the altar boy. Yes I served communion and I even was blessed with the presence of my family, other parish nuns and the Pastor himself. It was as legitimate as ever and I was eight years old.
The Roman Catholic Church wouldn't look so good excommunicating a Priest for letting an eight year old lead a Mass service. Please check out "The Grotto" and my sister's website;
Click on the Dickeyville Grotto link here or captioned above and please remember my sister, Sr Karlyn and her incredible artistic talents, inspired by her absolutely incredible and magnificent brother and leader of the Universal Life Church. Just never tell her about this last sentence please, I don't want her to feel obligated or any less esteem for her incredible talents she received from me. Luv Ya Karlyn!!!
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