Universal Life Church Newsletter
Universal Life Church Eucharist Pre-Filled
Communion Cups & Wafers Combined
FREE Doctorate of Divinity Degrees
To all who get ordained or reordained (renewal) as faith based Ministers with the Universal Life Church. No catch except you must have purchased our Basic Ministry Credentials and a Minister Picture ID Card. Why? Our objective is to present our ordained Ministers in a more professional fashion than any other Universal Life Church.
We are the only faith based Universal Life Church who ordains memebers of the clergy as Nondenominational Ministers or Independent Catholic Priests. Our Minister ID's are the most professional of all ULC's and our Certificates bear the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Furthermore in tribute to the Rev Dr Jerry Falwell, DD., and Rev Dr Billy Graham, DD., both had Christian Ordinations and Honorary, Doctorate of Divinity Degrees. It worked for them and it will work for you too.
Newly Ordained Ministers will receive their free Doctorate of Divinity with their OSM Membership/Ordination Certificate, provided they order a Minister Picture ID as well. Existing Ministers will receive there's upon renewal, provided they have purchased or will be purchasing a Minister Picture ID Card at the time of renewal.
These Degrees just like Dr Jerry Falwell or Dr Billy Grahan, it'll afford you the opportunity to use the Dr Prefix, and the DD Suffix to append to your name or title. Proper etiquette would be Rev. Dr Billy Graham, DD. These are honorary degrees, but make no mistake they are legal and binding and allow you to refer to yourself just the same as these iconic Ministers, The Rev. Dr Billy Graham, DD. and Rev. Dr Jerry Falwell, DD.
You can have the same exact credentials - Remember it is how you present yourself - Be professional

Get The Same Exact Christian Degree Rev Dr Billy Graham DD Had
Follow The Footsteps of Rev Dr Billy Graham D.D.
If you've lived awhile . . . recall how many times over the years you have heard the following:
> Dr. Billy Graham ... met today with President Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush,...
> Dr. Billy Graham ... opens his City Wide crusade tonight in Some-City USA, ...
> Dr. Billy Graham ... released his latest book today selling X-number of copies sold...
From 1947-48 through 1990, I'm not sure I ever heard, or saw in print, just "Billy Graham", or just "Reverend Billy Graham". It was always Dr. Billy Graham, or in some cases, the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham.
The world never dreamed "The Reverend Dr. Billy Graham" was really just "Billy Graham" . . . as Billy Graham didn't have an earned or accredited Ph. D., he had an Honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Yet "plain" Billy Graham became the most influential religious leader of the 20th century . . . due in part to being "Doctor" Billy Graham, a rising young minister of great authority, and highest credentials: someone worth listening to, reading his books, and seeking his advice.
And seek his advice they did. Graham met with every US President from Harry Truman to Nixon-Carter-Reagan through George "W" Bush, whom Graham led to a "born-again" relationship with Jesus Christ.
Dr. Graham had the "ear of US Presidents", long BEFORE he had the "ear of the world." Please know that Dr. Billy Graham diligently sought the ear of presidents, BEFORE they sought him. Dr. Graham diligently "sought out" President Truman - pushed, pleaded, and finagled, for a meeting with Truman - quite some time, before getting one.
Meeting with President Truman got Graham's picture on the front page of leading US Newspapers, which made him famous, which caused reporters to interview him, in which he always maintained Presidential confidence - while giving Presidents highest praise and regard - which caused presidents to want to meet with him again and again: Great publicity for both, a win-win situation!
Dr. Billy Graham - was and is - much more shrewd than he 'appears' . . . which is also part of his wise shrewdness in a good way. Dr. Graham had enough 'common sense to act and behave common' . . . and wasn't stupidly arrogant and snobbish as so many "TV celebrity and big-name Ministers are today.
[NOTE: There is a lesson here for ministers. . . if they can learn it. Dr. Billy Graham was "wise in his generation" - as wise as the worldly leaders in media such as Ted Turner and Katherine Graham. Sadly, most ministers are not "wise (shrewd) as serpents" as Jesus commands us, . . . and as Jesus lamented - that most Christian Leaders are not as wise as the Children of the world. (More later on this parable)]
Dr. Billy Graham was listed as the 8th-Most-Influential Person of the 20th Century by Gallup. [SOURCE: Gallup, Wikipedia] It is indeed amazing . . . that a "Country Confederate Preacher" is ranked ahead of many thousands of presidents and world leaders over the last 100 years!
Do you really think young Billy Graham. . . would ever have gotten to meet with American Presidents without a Doctor's Degree? Yet it was not an "earned-accredited" Degree from Harvard or Yale, . . . but a Degree earned by his faithfulness, sincerity and commitment, built upon his Bible School education, a Doctor of Divinity: just like the one you can have, if you can meet the requirements, exemplifying faithfulness, sincerity and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham's son Franklin is even more pronounced in his "credentials". Franklin claims the title of "Doctor" and the whole world so acknowledges him. He furthermore claims the title Reverend as an ordained minister. Do you know what Denomination/Ministers' Association ordained him? He was simply ordained by a fellow pastor.
Yet because Franklin - like his dad - "assumes authority", "acts with authority" and "claims authority", his Doctor's Degree is accepted by the world, and both he and the Kingdom of God benefit in the process . . .
all because of his foresight to add the Title "Doctor" to his name - not an earned Ph. D. - but an Honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Religion or Relationship
We have to get out of religion and get into relationship. Get out of religion and get into Christ.
One of the greatest distractions to a relationship with Christ is organized religion.
Why is it a distraction?
Because it gives the appearance that you are getting closer to God when all they are trying to do is get you closer to them.
Now all these things have their place, but we have to be careful. Are we doing all these “things” for the benefit of man or to glorify God? We may believe we are doing it to glorify God but, where is the fruit? How many of these things listed above actually touch the true needs of people? Are they feeding the hungry? Are they visiting the prisoners? Are they caring for the widows in their afflictions? Are they visiting the fatherless? How many people in the “church” have their gas or electricity cut off or lose their cars and homes while under the “cover” of a church organization? What happened to that “covering?” I've heard it said that they didn't have enough faith or that they were in those situations because they didn't “tithe indeed.” Many of these poor souls sacrificed their last because a church organization appealed to them for their “support of the ministry” above they're own livelihood with the promise of a blessing that never comes.
Where does all that “support” go? Into the maintenance of an organization, building, staff, etc. or into the lives of people? If you are on the “Trustee Board” of a church organization, look at the books and ask yourself, “are we doing God's will or the mission of the church organization?” I can assure you that more than 60% (and upwards to 90%) of the “support” goes towards the maintenance of the organization.
Reading God's Word for yourself can be a great first step in getting to know the heart of God for your life. Stop listening to the “prophets” that deliver soothing words of comfort and promotion, then tell you that it is tied to your support. Give an offering (buy) for their teaching series, come to our “conference” to learn how to “manifest God's Glory” in your life...etc...etc...etc...
Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Universal Life Church Eucharist Pre-Filled
Communion Cups & Wafers Combined
| Individual communion wafer and juice sets. Each serving contains 1/6 fl oz grape juice & 1/6g wafer. Available in boxes of 100 - $40.00, 250 - $70.00, or 500 servings $125.00. This will be added to the Ministry Supplies Department of our online store. |
Product Features
FREE Doctorate of Divinity Degrees
To all who get ordained or reordained (renewal) as faith based Ministers with the Universal Life Church. No catch except you must have purchased our Basic Ministry Credentials and a Minister Picture ID Card. Why? Our objective is to present our ordained Ministers in a more professional fashion than any other Universal Life Church.
We are the only faith based Universal Life Church who ordains memebers of the clergy as Nondenominational Ministers or Independent Catholic Priests. Our Minister ID's are the most professional of all ULC's and our Certificates bear the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Furthermore in tribute to the Rev Dr Jerry Falwell, DD., and Rev Dr Billy Graham, DD., both had Christian Ordinations and Honorary, Doctorate of Divinity Degrees. It worked for them and it will work for you too.
Newly Ordained Ministers will receive their free Doctorate of Divinity with their OSM Membership/Ordination Certificate, provided they order a Minister Picture ID as well. Existing Ministers will receive there's upon renewal, provided they have purchased or will be purchasing a Minister Picture ID Card at the time of renewal.
These Degrees just like Dr Jerry Falwell or Dr Billy Grahan, it'll afford you the opportunity to use the Dr Prefix, and the DD Suffix to append to your name or title. Proper etiquette would be Rev. Dr Billy Graham, DD. These are honorary degrees, but make no mistake they are legal and binding and allow you to refer to yourself just the same as these iconic Ministers, The Rev. Dr Billy Graham, DD. and Rev. Dr Jerry Falwell, DD.
You can have the same exact credentials - Remember it is how you present yourself - Be professional
Get The Same Exact Christian Degree Rev Dr Billy Graham DD Had
We are the only Universal Life Church who can provide you with the same Christian Ordination and Christian Doctorate Degree had by Rev Dr Billy Graham, DD. Think a Christian Ordination and Christian Degree Does Not Make a Difference. Rev Billy Graham Wisely Saw the Need for a Doctorate!
Follow The Footsteps of Rev Dr Billy Graham D.D.
If you've lived awhile . . . recall how many times over the years you have heard the following:
> Dr. Billy Graham ... met today with President Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush,...
> Dr. Billy Graham ... opens his City Wide crusade tonight in Some-City USA, ...
> Dr. Billy Graham ... released his latest book today selling X-number of copies sold...
From 1947-48 through 1990, I'm not sure I ever heard, or saw in print, just "Billy Graham", or just "Reverend Billy Graham". It was always Dr. Billy Graham, or in some cases, the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham.
The world never dreamed "The Reverend Dr. Billy Graham" was really just "Billy Graham" . . . as Billy Graham didn't have an earned or accredited Ph. D., he had an Honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Yet "plain" Billy Graham became the most influential religious leader of the 20th century . . . due in part to being "Doctor" Billy Graham, a rising young minister of great authority, and highest credentials: someone worth listening to, reading his books, and seeking his advice.
And seek his advice they did. Graham met with every US President from Harry Truman to Nixon-Carter-Reagan through George "W" Bush, whom Graham led to a "born-again" relationship with Jesus Christ.
Dr. Graham had the "ear of US Presidents", long BEFORE he had the "ear of the world." Please know that Dr. Billy Graham diligently sought the ear of presidents, BEFORE they sought him. Dr. Graham diligently "sought out" President Truman - pushed, pleaded, and finagled, for a meeting with Truman - quite some time, before getting one.
Meeting with President Truman got Graham's picture on the front page of leading US Newspapers, which made him famous, which caused reporters to interview him, in which he always maintained Presidential confidence - while giving Presidents highest praise and regard - which caused presidents to want to meet with him again and again: Great publicity for both, a win-win situation!
Dr. Billy Graham - was and is - much more shrewd than he 'appears' . . . which is also part of his wise shrewdness in a good way. Dr. Graham had enough 'common sense to act and behave common' . . . and wasn't stupidly arrogant and snobbish as so many "TV celebrity and big-name Ministers are today.
[NOTE: There is a lesson here for ministers. . . if they can learn it. Dr. Billy Graham was "wise in his generation" - as wise as the worldly leaders in media such as Ted Turner and Katherine Graham. Sadly, most ministers are not "wise (shrewd) as serpents" as Jesus commands us, . . . and as Jesus lamented - that most Christian Leaders are not as wise as the Children of the world. (More later on this parable)]
Dr. Billy Graham was listed as the 8th-Most-Influential Person of the 20th Century by Gallup. [SOURCE: Gallup, Wikipedia] It is indeed amazing . . . that a "Country Confederate Preacher" is ranked ahead of many thousands of presidents and world leaders over the last 100 years!
Do you really think young Billy Graham. . . would ever have gotten to meet with American Presidents without a Doctor's Degree? Yet it was not an "earned-accredited" Degree from Harvard or Yale, . . . but a Degree earned by his faithfulness, sincerity and commitment, built upon his Bible School education, a Doctor of Divinity: just like the one you can have, if you can meet the requirements, exemplifying faithfulness, sincerity and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham's son Franklin is even more pronounced in his "credentials". Franklin claims the title of "Doctor" and the whole world so acknowledges him. He furthermore claims the title Reverend as an ordained minister. Do you know what Denomination/Ministers' Association ordained him? He was simply ordained by a fellow pastor.
Yet because Franklin - like his dad - "assumes authority", "acts with authority" and "claims authority", his Doctor's Degree is accepted by the world, and both he and the Kingdom of God benefit in the process . . .
all because of his foresight to add the Title "Doctor" to his name - not an earned Ph. D. - but an Honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Somehow, Billy Graham knew in his early years ... wisely and shrewdly ... that he needed the title "Doctor" - so he got one - neither accredited nor earned: but a true Doctor of Divinity none the less.
We have to get out of religion and get into relationship. Get out of religion and get into Christ.
One of the greatest distractions to a relationship with Christ is organized religion.
Why is it a distraction?
Because it gives the appearance that you are getting closer to God when all they are trying to do is get you closer to them.
- Support the church
- Support the pastor's vision
- Support our ministries
- Support our congregation
Now all these things have their place, but we have to be careful. Are we doing all these “things” for the benefit of man or to glorify God? We may believe we are doing it to glorify God but, where is the fruit? How many of these things listed above actually touch the true needs of people? Are they feeding the hungry? Are they visiting the prisoners? Are they caring for the widows in their afflictions? Are they visiting the fatherless? How many people in the “church” have their gas or electricity cut off or lose their cars and homes while under the “cover” of a church organization? What happened to that “covering?” I've heard it said that they didn't have enough faith or that they were in those situations because they didn't “tithe indeed.” Many of these poor souls sacrificed their last because a church organization appealed to them for their “support of the ministry” above they're own livelihood with the promise of a blessing that never comes.
Where does all that “support” go? Into the maintenance of an organization, building, staff, etc. or into the lives of people? If you are on the “Trustee Board” of a church organization, look at the books and ask yourself, “are we doing God's will or the mission of the church organization?” I can assure you that more than 60% (and upwards to 90%) of the “support” goes towards the maintenance of the organization.
Reading God's Word for yourself can be a great first step in getting to know the heart of God for your life. Stop listening to the “prophets” that deliver soothing words of comfort and promotion, then tell you that it is tied to your support. Give an offering (buy) for their teaching series, come to our “conference” to learn how to “manifest God's Glory” in your life...etc...etc...etc...
Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061
Official Universal Life Church Website - http://www.ulcnetwork.com
Official Universal Life Church Community: - http://www.ulccommunity.org
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061
Official Universal Life Church Website - http://www.ulcnetwork.com
Official Universal Life Church Community: - http://www.ulccommunity.org
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA