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Who Ordains You a Legal Faith Based Minister
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Friday, August 27, 2010
Universal Life Church: The Origin of The Universal Life Church
The Origin of The Universal Life Church
Universal Life Church
& Christian Academy, Inc.
Post Office Box 1140
Crawfordville, FL. 32326-1140 USA
Interfaith Ordination vs. Christian Ordination
Interfaith Ordination is extremely limited, as it offers to you the availability to: Perform Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals, and to work within the field you been trained in or have a degree for.
Interfaith Ordination actually provides very little, it is moreso an ordination for those within the minority Religions, such as Paganism, Wiccan and etc. Even Buddhist Monks have their ordination as do most faiths. Structured, traditional Churches have their own ordination rites, and very few are accepting of an Interfaith Minister with little training or no education.
The Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, we offer bonafide
and legitimate Christian Ordination. We provide training, accredited degree
programs, references and a support team from a global Christian Religious
Organization. We work with other Christian Churches. We have available grants
and low income loans, from the private sector, major corporations and from
government agencies. We have employers looking to hire Christian Ministers.
We are not a "Mail Order Church" we are a legitimate, structured, rock solid foundation, with Christian roots that go back to the 2nd Century AD., even before the Edict of Milan and the Birth of Christianity in 313 AD
Join Us Today! You Make The Choice We Offer Both Interfaith and Christian Ordination.....
Peace and Blessings!
~ Brother Michael
Join us on the Universal Life Church Social Network: http://ulcnetwork.socialgo.com/
Universal Life Church
& Christian Academy, Inc.
Post Office Box
Crawfordville, FL. 32326-1140 USA
Tel No: (850)926-6085
Official Universal Life Church Website: http://www.ulcnetwork.com/
Universal Life Church Christian Network: http://ulcnetwork.socialgo.com/
©2010 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, Inc. USA
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Universal Life Church: What is Christian Ordination?
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
What is Christian Ordination?
Church, want to become ordained in order to perform the duties of legal
officials within the Church. It's a feat that requires steadfastness in studying
the Word and a humble spirit to serve. Yet, it's surprising to learn that
although there are academic and character prerequisites, many ordained
Christians have never even been to a Christian Bible School.
can be ordained or designated as legal clergy persons. Many of the office titles
of ordained Christians endorse the full legal authority to perform official
Christian services such as wedding ceremonies, baptisms, funeral services and
baby dedications. The process and type of ordination varies according to
religion and denomination. Ordained
Christians also have the legal right to work as professionals within a Christian
office, to begin their own Christian Church, Christian Ministry and are more
readily accepted as employees in US hospitals, nursing homes, state
agencies, prisons, the military and etc., largely due to the fact 83% [1]
of the US population is Christian.
titles of ordained Christians include minister, pastor, reverend, evangelist,
chaplain, apostle, missionary, elder, deacon, preacher, bishop and prophet. The
different titles sanction different responsibilities and authorities within
specific denominations. For example, a
minister has full legal rights to be head of a congregation of people, also
called the Church. The minister can perform all the official Christian duties
such as marry people and preach to the congregation. A
assisting the pastor and working with the congregation in Church sub-ministries
under the minister such as Sunday school or Youth Classess.
are several options available for people to obtain the legal title of ordained
Christian. One way is to be
ordained by a Christian Church and/or Christian Religious
Organization and be instantly recognized as an ordained Christian. Another
way is to enroll in a college or university program, be it physical college or
online and earn the degree that is recognized by Churches that would then
qualify the Christian to be ordained. The third way is to serve within a
Christian church and earn the title of ordained Christian.
pastors or preachers, but who have had no formal college or university training,
can join a Christian Church online and file an application for instant
Christian ordination. Once the papers are filled out and signed, the applicant
would then return them with the appropriate fee to the official that has the
authority to issue certificates. Within days, the Christian can receive her
legal certificate declaring her as an ordained minister. Many online services don't teach Bible lessons, Biblical
theologies or Christian doctrine because it's assumed that the applicant is a
Christian with a previous seminary degree, Christian education or some type of
Biblical Study schooling. Their purpose is to simply issue certifications to
applicants looking to make a buck. There is one Church that offers Christian
Certificates of Ordination, and also offers training, Seminary Degrees, Biblical
Courses and University Degree Programs for those who seek such, this Church is
the Universal Life Church and Christian Academy http://www.ulcnetwork.com Don't be fooled
or misled by Churches offering Interfaith Ordinations. Many Christian Churches have issues with Interfaith
Ordination because the person has obtained a title that he or she did not earn
by studying or by proving her commitment and character or dedication.
churches will recognize the dedication and wisdom of some mature Christians and
promote them because these people have proved to meet the qualifications of an
ordained Christian. For example,
Pentecostal and Word Churches seek out people who have proved that they are
knowledgeable in the Word, understand and follow church policy, and who are
dedicated and committed to teaching the Bible. When the Church is looking for
legal positions such as deacons or prophets to be filled in the Church, the
pastor will offer it to these people first because there is a confidence that
the applicants are worthy of being ordained.
Ref: ABC News.com Poll
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Universal Life Church: Shoot Them Non-Christians
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Shoot Them Non-Christians
We have Freedom of Religion as our Constitution provides, and while
there is freedom, I believe there is gross discrimination and many within the
Christian faith look to stomp out the others.
The US is predominantly
Christian, but the other faiths just do not have the same availability for
growth, they are stagnated by a prejudicial, stereotyped Christian
Now that I've alienated myself from my fellow Christians, yes I
am Christian but I'll be doggone if I will attempt to squash the rights every
American has in accord with our Constitution. What makes your Christian
convictions strong, it is your ability to respect others, don't let insecurities
cause you to lash out at others because they are not Christian.
not say; Hold a gun to their head and "Make them an offer they can't refuse" nor
did he say "Christianity or the gas chamber"
I f you want to practice or preach Christianity as the Lord Jesus
Christ told us too, I invite you to visit my Church and/or to become ordained in
the Christian faith as a nondenominational Minister.
Get ordained today with the Universal Life Church: http://www.ulcnetwork.com
Join our Universal Life Church Christian Network: http://ulcnetwork.socialgo.com
Peace & Blessings
Brother Michael
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Monday, August 16, 2010
Universal Life Church: Universal Life Church - Charters, Degrees, Titles ...
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Universal Life Church - Charters, Degrees, Titles & Ordinations
Note: Each heading is a link. If The links do not work - Please Refer to our Website at: http://www.ulcnetwork.com
CHURCH CHARTERS - As of today we do offer Church Charters. If you are interested, there is a link on the home (ULC) page of our website, http://www.ulcnetwork.com You can also click on the Ministry Credential - Online Store or the Ministry Credential Paypal banners on the right side of our website. Upon receipt of your order for Church Charter status, we will send to you an application, fill it out and send it back to us. The law requires we must have a signed application on file. You can name your Church whatever you'd like, for legal purposes you will be an affiliated Church with the Universal Life Church and Christian Academy. If you would like to offer a K-12 private home school, and/or the seminary degree programs you as a Charter can do such at your discretion. There is no additional cost. It will be your responsibility to set such up on your own Church website. You will be provided the option of a Charter School on the application. Christian ordination through us is a pre-requisite.
CHRISTIAN ACADEMY DEGREES - Remember we offer Associate through Ph.D Degrees and University Degree Programs as well in Biblical Studies, Theology, Divinity and Pastoral Counseling. Christian ordination through us is a pre-requisite.
CHRISTIAN TITLES - Remember we offer Christian Titles as well. Titles need to be appointed, named or presented to you by a Church to be legal. Just like with degrees, before you can use Dr or D.D., etc. you need to have such a certificate. Ordination provides you with the title of Reverend. Christian ordination through us is a pre-requisite.
CHRISTIAN ORDINATION - There are online Churches who promote "Free Ordination" and this is a bit misleading. There is nothing wrong with it, but we are a Christian Religious Organization, my conscience will not permit me to advertise Free Ordination. For an ordination to be valid, you must have a signed certificate, a letter in good standing, coupled with official verification, i.e. picture ID with background check or verification through the Church. I.D. Cards without a picture and unverified are nice to have, but there is no legal entity that will take an ID card that has no picture and/or has not been verified who will recognize you as a legal ordained Minister. The bottom line is when you become ordained, you need to order a certificate, preferably a letter in good standing and a ministry credentials kit. Parking permits, press passes these are worthless as you cannot use them. The combined cost of ordination certificates, replacements and letters in good standing are about the same and/or exceed our $39.95 charge for ordination. In addition this $39.95 provides you membership in the OSM. To become a legitimate ordained Minister, we are one of the lowest cost providers of ordinations. Our Ministers do not have issues concerning authenticity of ordination. Professionalism is not sacrificed at any cost. "Quantity of Ministers" is not as important to us as is the "Quality of Our Ordinations."
Peace & Blessings:
~ Brother Michael
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Universal Life Church: We're The ULC That Puts a Cross on Certficates
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
We're The ULC That Puts a Cross on Certficates
Like so many others and many of you reading this I have started my own Church, it is a nondenominational Christian Church, it is not an Interfaith Church. There is a huge difference between the terms nondenominational and interfaith.
Interfaith means just that, a Church of many faiths.
Nondenominational refers to that of a Christian Church, but without allegiance to any one denomiation, such as Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, etc., etc.
Why do I limit my Church to being that of a nondenominational Christian Church?
Because as Pastor/CEO my education, degrees and training are all within the Christian faith and belief. MAKE NO MISTAKE HOWEVER, I respect all faiths and/or beliefs, but my education and/or training does not allow me to serve as the head of an interfaith Church.
For example: there is a Universal Life Church Wiccan Sanctuary or the Universal Life Church of Paganism.
Christians want to be ordained as Christian Ministers
Wiccans want to be ordained as Wiccan Ministers.
Pagans want to be ordained as Pagan Ministers.
And those with an Interfaith Belief want to be ordained by an Interfaith Church.
Our First Ammendment allows each of us the freedom to choose our Religious belief. It also provides us the freedom to start our own Church in accord with our own Religious belief and I could not in good faith and conscience start another interfaith Church, nor could I allow myself to ordain those of other faiths, based on my education and training. As the Leader of a Church, it is my belief a leader should be well versed within the faith or interfaiths of the Church they lead.
Peace and Blessings!
~ Brother Michael
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
PS: We Ordain Christians who want to be Christian Ministers instead of Interfaith Ministers. We're the Universal Life Church that puts a Cross on Certificates.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Universal Life Church: Catholic Church Headlines From Wisconsin
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Catholic Church Headlines From Wisconsin
This is kind of a funny tidbit here - we all know the Catholic Church
is against Birth Control, but here The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published this
article. This is absolutely bizarrre, possible sanctions or termination.
Catholic Church, contraception coverage collide
Diocese employees in state could face sanctions,
By Annysa
Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Aug. 12, 2010
Thousands of Catholic Church employees in Wisconsin are now eligible
for birth control coverage through their health insurance plans, under the
budget bill passed by the Legislature last year.
But because the church considers artificial contraception "gravely
immoral," at least some of those workers - including non-Catholics - could face
sanctions, even termination, if they use it, one church official said
"Our employees know what church teaching is. And we trust them to use
their conscience and do the right thing," said Brent King, spokesman for the
Madison Diocese, which began covering prescription contraception Aug.
Reproductive health advocates, including the Washington-based
Catholics for Choice, criticized the stand, calling birth control "basic health
"The reality is the vast majority of Catholics use contraceptive
family planning," said David Nolan of Catholics for Choice. "And making them
access it elsewhere or pay full price because they can't get it through their
insurance is a needless barrier."
Wisconsin lawmakers last year mandated that all insurance plans that
cover prescription drugs offer comparable coverage for contraception.
Self-insured employers were exempted.
Organizations such as Planned Parenthood have been urging coverage
parity for decades. And the state's Equal Rights Division has ruled at least
twice in recent years that lack of equity constitutes sex
The Catholic Church was the main opponent of the measure. In
a letter to Wisconsin Catholics last year, the state's bishops called artificial contraception "gravely immoral" and said it "diminishes the role of God, the giver of life, in marriage."
When the law was passed, three of the five Wisconsin dioceses - Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay - were affected. Green Bay has since converted
to a self-insured plan "in an effort to live out its Catholic faith," spokeswoman Leah Gabrielson said.
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee is complying with the requirement, but
is looking into alternative coverage, according to spokeswoman Julie Wolf. She
said the diocese may also consider challenging the law.
Detailed information about Milwaukee's benefits and policies was not
immediately available because church officials were in La Crosse for the
installation of William P. Callahan as the new bishop there.
Area Catholic hospital systems Wheaton-Franciscan and Columbia-St.
Mary's are self-insured and, as such, exempt from the provision. Anne Ballentine
of Wheaton-Franciscan said the system provides contraceptive medication when
medically necessary for other conditions but not to prevent
And at least two Catholic universities, Marquette and Mount Mary,
already offered the coverage before the law changed.
Marquette's policy recognizes that a significant portion of the
university's employees are non-Catholic and that contraceptives are at times
prescribed by physicians for purposes other than birth control, spokeswoman Mary Pat Pfeil said.
She stressed that "the choice to use a contraceptive is both a
medical decision and a matter of conscience."
King, of the Madison Diocese, agreed on the role of conscience in
such matters, but said a true Catholic could only come to the conclusion reached
by the church.
"Conscience isn't what I want or think is best in a situation," he
said. "It must always align with the will of God."
Diocese of Madison employees, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, sign a
document when they're hired vowing to abide by the laws of both Wisconsin and
the church.
He said employees would receive "strong pastoral recommendations
against" using the contraception benefit, but that the diocese has no intention
of policing it.
Because of medical privacy laws, he said, the only way the diocese
would know is if an employee flouted it "in an overt and publicly defiant
Friday, August 6, 2010
Universal Life Church: Monetary Support For Your Church/MinistryOne of...
Monetary Support For Your Church/Ministry
One of...: "Monetary Support For Your Church/Ministry One of my areas of expertise is I know how to raise money for Churches and/or Ministries and one..."
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church

Monetary Support For Your Church/Ministry
One of my areas of expertise is I know how to raise money for Churches and/or Ministries and one of the best ways is to offer advertising on the back of bulletins, parish directories, etc., etc. The going rate for a one inch ad, per insertion is $5 to $15 a week.
Here is what I suggest to help benefit your individual Church or Ministry. I am taking the website for my ULC Church located at: http://www.ulcnetwork.com and the ULC Christian social network located at: http://ulcnetwork.socialgo.com and I am creating a "Sponsor Page" or another name for such can be a "Local Merchant Support Page."What you do is you create a website page strictly for ads for local businesses and merchants and you include a link for such on your home page. You offer a banner ad or a directory listing (text) for say $60 to $120.00 a year. This provides the local business or merchant with exposure and promotion and it provides you with a potentially sizeable incoming cash flow.
You do the math.....
10 @ $120.00 is $1200.00 per annum
50 @ $120.00 is $6000.00 per annum
100 @ $120.00 is $12,000.00 per annum
This offers your Church or Ministry a substantial incoming, leveraged and residual cash flow.You can contact the merchants by phone, in-person or do up a cover letter, include a business card with your website or a brochure and send to all local businesses such by postal mail.People do not just talk about doing this, do it. This money can help your Church or ministry immensley
~ Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Monday, August 2, 2010
Universal Life Church: Wedding Officiating Services As a ULC Ministe...
Wedding Officiating Services
As a ULC Ministe...: "Wedding Officiating Services As a ULC Minister the law allows you to perform wedding officiating services. Check with your local County..."
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church

As a ULC Minister the law allows you to perform wedding officiating services. Check with your local County Clerk or Wedding Authority Office for what type of documentation you may need, such as your Minister ID Card, Certificate of Ordination, a Letter in Good Standing and in some localities or states, such as New York City, you need to purchase a special packet.
Many individuals become ordained specifically to perform a ceremony for a family member or friend, such as President Bill Clinton recently did. However many become part or full time wedding officiants as a lucrative business, and for some they incorporate such services into their Church or Religious organization services offered as a member of the Clergy.
If you are doing such for a friend or family member, or if you have income from another source, you have the luxury at your discretion of providing such services free of charge. However, most Ministers do charge or expect a minimal donation. My suggestion is since what someone would charge varies depending on where you are located, call other wedding officiating services or Ministers in your area and see what the average rates are for your area.
I would never promote Ministry work as a get rich quick scheme, but at the same token I do not want to under emphasize that there are many Ministers making an extremely lucrative income as professional wedding officiants. To become a wedding officiant it requires little training, the ULC offers everything you need to get started in such a profession. Unlike with other business start-ups, being a wedding officiant requires little investment and you can start on a shoestring budget, creating for yourself an income of $50,000, $100,000 or more per year in your very 1st or 2nd year in business.
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
~ Brother Michael
P.S. Get ordained as a Minister today at: http://www.ulcnetwork.com