
Friday, August 20, 2010

What is Christian Ordination?

What is Christian
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church

Many Christians, with a commitment to God and a dedication to the
Church, want to become ordained in order to perform the duties of legal
officials within the Church. It's a feat that requires steadfastness in studying
the Word and a humble spirit to serve. Yet, it's surprising to learn that
although there are academic and character prerequisites, many ordained
Christians have never even been to a Christian Bible School.


Christian ordination is the process whereby Christians
can be ordained or designated as legal clergy persons. Many of the office titles
of ordained Christians endorse the full legal authority to perform official
Christian services such as wedding ceremonies, baptisms, funeral services and
baby dedications. The process and type of ordination varies according to
religion and denomination. Ordained
Christians also have the legal right to work as professionals within a Christian
office, to begin their own Christian Church, Christian Ministry and are more
readily accepted as employees in US hospitals, nursing homes, state
agencies, prisons, the military and etc., largely due to the fact 83% [1]
of the US population is Christian.

Legal Titles

titles of ordained Christians include minister, pastor, reverend, evangelist,
chaplain, apostle, missionary, elder, deacon, preacher, bishop and prophet. The
different titles sanction different responsibilities and authorities within
specific denominations. For example, a
minister has full legal rights to be head of a congregation of people, also
called the Church. The minister can perform all the official Christian duties
such as marry people and preach to the congregation. A

deacon, however, has limited authority that includes
assisting the pastor and working with the congregation in Church sub-ministries
under the minister such as Sunday school or Youth Classess

How to Become Ordained

are several options available for people to obtain the legal title of ordained
Christian. One way is to be
ordained by a Christian Church and/or Christian Religious
Organization and be instantly recognized as an ordained Christian. Another
way is to enroll in a college or university program, be it physical college or
online and earn the degree that is recognized by Churches that would then
qualify the Christian to be ordained. The third way is to serve within a
Christian church and earn the title of ordained Christian.

Instant Christian Ordination

Christians who believe they are called by God to be
pastors or preachers, but who have had no formal college or university training,
can join a Christian Church online and file an application for instant
Christian ordination. Once the papers are filled out and signed, the applicant
would then return them with the appropriate fee to the official that has the
authority to issue certificates. Within days, the Christian can receive her
legal certificate declaring her as an ordained minister. Many online services don't teach Bible lessons, Biblical
theologies or Christian doctrine because it's assumed that the applicant is a
Christian with a previous seminary degree, Christian education or some type of
Biblical Study schooling. Their purpose is to simply issue certifications to
applicants looking to make a buck. There is one Church that offers Christian
Certificates of Ordination, and also offers training, Seminary Degrees, Biblical
Courses and University Degree Programs for those who seek such, this Church is
the Universal Life Church and Christian Academy Don't be fooled
or misled by Churches offering Interfaith Ordinations. Many Christian Churches have issues with Interfaith
Ordination because the person has obtained a title that he or she did not earn
by studying or by proving her commitment and character or dedication.

Inner Church Ordinations

churches will recognize the dedication and wisdom of some mature Christians and
promote them because these people have proved to meet the qualifications of an
ordained Christian. For example,
Pentecostal and Word Churches seek out people who have proved that they are
knowledgeable in the Word, understand and follow church policy, and who are
dedicated and committed to teaching the Bible. When the Church is looking for
legal positions such as deacons or prophets to be filled in the Church, the
pastor will offer it to these people first because there is a confidence that
the applicants are worthy of being ordained.

Ref: ABC Poll

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