
Sunday, August 15, 2010

We're The ULC That Puts a Cross on Certficates

There are 100's of ULC Churches throughout the world, the ULC Modesto was started in 1962 as a spinoff of Life Church started three years earlier. Brother Kirby Hensley the founder of the ULC Modesto more than likely spun the Life Church name off that of another Church. There is no originality in Church names, for example; Universal Life Church can actually be considered a spin off of the Catholic Church, Universal or Universalism is actually synonymous with Catholic or Catholicism. Catholic is Greek for the word Universal.

Like so many others and many of you reading this I have started my own Church, it is a nondenominational Christian Church, it is not an Interfaith Church. There is a huge difference between the terms nondenominational and interfaith.

Interfaith means just that, a Church of many faiths.

Nondenominational refers to that of a Christian Church, but without allegiance to any one denomiation, such as Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, etc., etc.

Why do I limit my Church to being that of a nondenominational Christian Church?

Because as Pastor/CEO my education, degrees and training are all within the Christian faith and belief. MAKE NO MISTAKE HOWEVER, I respect all faiths and/or beliefs, but my education and/or training does not allow me to serve as the head of an interfaith Church.

For example: there is a Universal Life Church Wiccan Sanctuary or the Universal Life Church of Paganism.

Christians want to be ordained as Christian Ministers

Wiccans want to be ordained as Wiccan Ministers.

Pagans want to be ordained as Pagan Ministers.

And those with an Interfaith Belief want to be ordained by an Interfaith Church.

Our First Ammendment allows each of us the freedom to choose our Religious belief. It also provides us the freedom to start our own Church in accord with our own Religious belief and I could not in good faith and conscience start another interfaith Church, nor could I allow myself to ordain those of other faiths, based on my education and training. As the Leader of a Church, it is my belief a leader should be well versed within the faith or interfaiths of the Church they lead.

Peace and Blessings!

~ Brother Michael
Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church

PS: We Ordain Christians who want to be Christian Ministers instead of Interfaith Ministers. We're the Universal Life Church that puts a Cross on Certificates.

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