
Monday, May 16, 2011

The Only Universal Life Church True to Its Name & Origin

Being a Christian Minister it is about Leadership, it is about teaching and it is about sharing. Teaching and sharing the Good News of Christ, Leading people from the wrong belief to the correct belief.
There is only one way to salvation and eternal life and that is through our Lord Jesus Christ, any other belief and you will bypass Jesus Christ and his kingdom and you will go to hell.
To Non-Christians you better hope I am wrong. That is a very strong statement, but it is the truth. It is reality.
For those of you who believe Christ dying on the cross was a fairy tale, or that the Bible is nothing but a book of fictional short stories, for those of you who believe Jesus Christ not to be our Savior, for those of you who believe in gods or goddesses, for those of any other faith or religion, for those who are agnostic or atheists, for those of you affiliated with interfaith or non-Christian Churches - Remember when you depart this world you had many opportunities to choose the right pathway, unfortunately I will never get the opportunity to tell you I told you so. Wherefore I will tell you now once again.....there is no other way to eternal life.

There is only one way to salvation and eternal life and that is through our Lord Jesus Christ, any other belief and you will bypass Jesus Christ and his kingdom and you will go to hell.
We are not the Universal Life Church whose leader is out to ordain and to solicit ministry or wedding officiant supplies to every soul on this planet. We set aside such greed to pursue a lifestyle for all with what the Universal Life Church name really stands for, Catholicism or Christianity and ultimately eternal life with Christ.
We are the Universal Life Church whose leader believes in sharing and teaching the Good News of Christ. We are the Universal Life Church whose leader wants to lead all to eternal life in the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are the only Universal Life Church true to our name and to our origin.
If non-Christians want to attack me, ridicule me, throw darts at me, good, the truth hurts, but such means one thing they are hearing my message and perhaps not today, but some day they will choose the right pathway way to Christ.
Our Heavenly Father did not choose for the Universal Life Church to be named after his son, our Lord Jesus Christ without good reason, nor did he choose it to promote any other belief than that of the Christian Faith.
~ Brother Michael

Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

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©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

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