Growing up in the '60s & '70s, I recall turning on the TV or listening to the radio and having to listen to the most foul mouth, unpleasant woman, Madalyn Murray O'Hare, the right hand and ordained minister of self proclaimed king, Kirby Hensley. The same Kirby Hensley who referred to his own Ministers he ordained as Kooks. This mailorder ordination assembly line ordains not just kooks as Kirby Hensley spewed, but they also ordain followers of satan and as we all know atheists led by their own atheist diva herself, none other than the repulsive bitc* herself and that my friends is a compliment.
Roe vs Wade
Prayer taken away from our children
I listened to Kirby Hensley many times as well as to his atheist diva as a child growing up in a Christian home, they gave me goosebumps, chills of pure evil. I asked my parents, my teachers, my parish Priests and Pastor many times why??? The reply, it was their right under the First Amendment. Well today I have my right to speak out, to fight back and to answer their hatred of the 60's, 70's and 80's.
O'Hare, Hensley, and this mailorder version of a church (if that) who took the name of our first Christian Church of the 2nd century and with the word Universal, a word that is derived from the Greek Language that means Catholic and/or Christian FOR THEIR OWN HIDDEN AGENDA is appalling.
Granted their Ministers may be legal in the US to perform as Wedding Ministers, but the doctrine of this Church does not necessarily make such individuals legal, faith-based ministers in my God's eyes. I leave you with excerpts from The Modesto Bee, the local newspaper and online publication for Modesto, the home of this mail order, ordination assembly line. I also include a promotional video for this Modesto based mailorder interfaithless Church.
The Modesto Messiah, Satan Himself or Kooks?
You Decide For Yourself
Welcome to the heart of the (mailorder version NOT affiliated with us) Universal Life Church, which is most well-known for its late founder, the roguish and provocative Kirby Hensley, and his mail-order clergy certificates.
Kirby Hensley Quotes & The Reason For This Mailorder Version Who Used A Christian Name For Their Hidden Agenda
The former construction worker said he was opposed to churches being exempt from paying taxes, so he started his own church to protest the exemption. He sold his mail-order clergy ordination certificates for $5 each and preached freedom from taxes to folks who would buy them and set up similar churches.
His often outrageous remarks landed him on TV shows such as "Larry King Live," "60 Minutes" and "Donahue," as well as in articles in Time and Newsweek. He believed people created God and didn't believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead. He loved the publicity, good and bad, saying it all resulted in more money coming into his ministry.
Among his more memorable comments:
- I always stand for freedom, food and sex. That's all there is. It sets people free.
- Jesus was a good actor.
- The Bible "is full of lies from one end to the other."
- It's a thin line dividing genius and idiot. I think I'm on the genius side.
- We're coming up on the 21st century and there's not one verse of Scripture in the Bible that will take you beyond the 20th century.
- I believe I was a comedian and two-bit lawyer (in an earlier life) because I've had more lawsuits than anybody.
- I just want to raise all the hell I can, and get all the kooks and what-have-you as churches; then they (the government) will have to tax them all.
In 1968, he ran for president; one of his platforms was "civil treatment for visitors from other worlds." The following year, he ran for governor. In 1984, he declared the birth of a new nation — his church. In 1986, he celebrated his coronation in the "Kingdom of Aqualandia" and offered a combo deal: kingdom citizenship and a ministerial charter for $35.
Trouble in paradise
Kirby Hensley battled several government entities in the 1970s and '80s.
In 1969, he was convicted of violating the state education code for issuing honorary doctor of divinity degrees for $20. The Selective Service folks were irate when the elder Hensley ordained young men so they could avoid the draft during the Vietnam War.
But his longest, toughest battles were against the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS revoked the church status of about 3,000 "ordained" ULC clergy members in the late 1970s and '80s. The IRS said they were claiming tax exemptions without performing pastoral work or operating a church as defined by the tax agency.
"They were just churches on paper," Andre Hensley said. "We were glad to be rid of them."
Then the IRS targeted Kirby Hensley, saying he was operating a business rather than a church. The tax agency said ULC failed to file tax returns in 1978-1980 and pulled the organization's tax-exempt status in 1984. In 2000, the year after Hensley died, the church settled for about $1.5 million. Andre said the church had to sell most of its 20-plus rental properties — purchased with ULC income in the good years — to pay the debt. Part of the deal was that the church would not admit fault and the IRS would not pursue the church again for 25 years, according to Andre, who would not disclose how much is in ULC's coffers.
Copyright © 2011, The Modesto Bee, 1325 H St., Modesto, CA 95354 Phone: (209) 578-2000.
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