
Monday, May 16, 2011

Universal Life Church - Available Employment Offered 5.16.11

Universal Life Church

Available Weekly Ministry Jobs
These are legitimate employment opportinities within the Christian Ministry Field. If you are looking for part or full time employment, let us help you put together a resume. Together we'll assess and critique your past experience and education and determine what you need to do, if anything to provide to you the best possible opportunity to land one of these jobs. These are all hourly wage or salaried positions. Minimal requirements are that you are faith based ordained as a Universal Life Church Minister, with a high school diploma and equivalency. Many require four year college degrees, but some require less. We also have both honorary degrees and fully accredited degree programs to help improve your chances. Please contact us for details, place job sought with city and state in subject field and include your ordination name with the month and year of your ordination.
Newest Job Openings:
Audio Engineer Centerville, Minnesota
Techincal Director Centerville, Minnesota
Worship Pastor Saginaw, Michigan
Accounting Team Leader Savannah, Georgia
Media Production Associate Menlo Park, California
Worship Artistic Producer Menlo Park, California
Worship Leader Harrisonburg, Virginia
Director of Worship and Creative Arts Montoursville, Pennsylvania
Creative Arts Director/Pastor Tampa area, Florida
Worship Pastor Allen, Texas
Pastor of KIDS Ministry Wichita, Kansas
Director of Student Ministries Charleston, Illinois
Children's Ministry Director Summit Station, Ohio
Youth Pastor Holdrege, Nebraska
Children’s Ministry Director Mountain View, California


Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - Former Milwaukee Archbishop on Gay Marriage

Archbishop Dolan On Gay Marriage Fight:

      "Orwellian Social Engineering"


Since he first was introduced as the new Archbishop of NY in 2009, Timothy Dolan has been direct about his negative feelings toward the idea of gay marriage. But Dolan thinks that you still aren't getting him, so like all modern Renaissance men, he took to his blog by candlelight and furiously scribed a passionate screed on the history of marriage, why the Catholic Church isn't anti-gay, and the Orwellian nature of the pro-gay marriage lobby. There's no way anyone could possibly be offended by any of this, right? Here's juicy excerpt:
Nonsense! We are not anti anybody; we are pro-marriage. The definition of marriage is a given: it is a lifelong union of love and fidelity leading, please God, to children, between one man and one woman.

History, Natural Law, the Bible (if you’re so inclined), the religions of the world, human experience, and just plain gumption tell us this is so. The definition of marriage is hardwired into our human reason.

To uphold that traditional definition, to strengthen it, and to defend it is not a posture of bigotry or bullying. Nor is it a denial of the “right” of anybody. As the philosophers remind us, in a civilized, moral society, we have the right to do what we ought, not to do whatever we want. Not every desire is a right.

To tamper with that definition, or to engage in some Orwellian social engineering about the nature and purpose of marriage, is perilous to all of us. If the definition of marriage is continually being altered, could it not in the future be morphed again to include multiple spouses or even family members?

He finishes the post with a plea for the government to try fixing schools instead of redefining marriage (we assume a rip on Gov. Cuomo's pro-gay marriage agenda), which is already perfect just the way it is. In an interview with 60 Minutes earlier this year, he put his feelings on the subject like this: "I have a strong desire to play shortstop for the Yankees. I don't have a right to because I don't have what it takes. And that would be what the church would say about marriage." We think we prefer the baseball metaphors, lame as they are, to the overly-wrought dystopian ones.
Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Official Universal Life Church Newsletter 5.14.11

1.) Why would any non-Christian want to be a congregational member or ordained by the Universal Life Church?
For those of you beer drinkers out there, that is like settling for non-alcohol beer for the real thing. Or for those who love real cheese on their pizza, settling for imitation cheese.
The Universal Life Church name is very much Christian, it always has been it always will be. For those pagans, wiccans, buddhists, atheists, satanist, how do you expect anyone to take you serious when you belong to or are ordained by a Church that means "Christian or Catholic Life Church or Assembly?"
It certainly does not speak much of one's knowledge, intelligence or conviction to their non-Christian belief! Non-Christians with these other ULC's can hate me, despise me all they want, but the truth is, how silly do they look belonging to or being ordained by a Church with a name that means "Christian or Catholic Life Church or Assembly?"
Think about it, atheists, satanists, pagans ordained by a Church with a name that is synonymous with Christ!!!
#2.) Why would any Christian or non-Christian want to be a congregational member or ordained by the the non-Christian ULC's?
Here you have these other ULC's, claiming to be interfaith, they ordain all, including satanists, atheists & WHAT DOES THEIR NAME STAND FOR.
"Christian or Catholic Life Church or Assembly"
This does not bode well for the intelligence level of these leaders for these two Churches.
What do they do in a public bathroom, knock on the stall partition & ask their neighbor which way to wipe? I am sorry for being so bold, but it irks me to no end, two individuals attempting to pass themselves off as Church Leaders, how can they be so ignorant?
Innocent people are being victimized and led astray.
Purpose of Charter Churches or
Congregational Affiliation
With the Roman Catholic Church you have the Vatican in Vatican City, and you have Congregational Affiliate Churches located throughout the world. Many other sects within the Christian Faith have the same, but at a much smaller level, we are no exception.
You must understand the differences between other ULC's and us. Other ULC's are legal in the US with respect to their ordained ministers being able to officiate weddings. However as Chuches, they do not meet the criteria of what defines a Church. How can they? They have no real doctrine of faith and this is what creates problems outside of the USA for other ULC's or acceptance of its ministers within any respective faith.
With other ULC's their Ministers are only legal to serve as wedding ministers in the USA, outside of the USA, they hope they do not check, or that the respective country has no real law preventing anyone from serving as a wedding officiant.
Now if the other ULC's had a real Doctrine of Faith or was a faith based Church or Religious Organization like us, they would not have the issues they have outside the USA.
Our Universal Life Church is legal throughout the world, because we are faith based and we have a doctrine faith. It has nothing to do with registration or non registration, but rather everything to do with being faith based, with a well defined and legitimate doctrine.
In many countries, yes you are ordained by us, no different than how the Roman Catholic Church does it, but just like with Roman Catholic Ordination, the Minister or Priest may need to be affiliated with an actual Church within his or her country of residence. Obviously the Universal Life Church World Headquarters cannot be in every country, we are based in the USA like the Roman Catholic Church Headquarters is based in Rome, Italy.
So in some countries, to serve as a wedding officiant, you need to start your own Church with what is referred to as Congregational Affiliation with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters. We can do this globally because we are faith based, whereas again other ULC's cannot because they are not faith based and they do not have a doctrine of faith.
So if you are in Canada or the UK or lets say South Africa and etc., over and above your ordination you may need to have your own Church Charter with a Congregational Affiliation with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters.
We recommend to all Ministers, in the USA or outside thereof to have your own Charter Church. You are free to name it whatever you'd like and you will be completely legal as a Congregational Affiliate of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters, just the same as if you were a Roman Catholic Church in affiliation with the Vatican.
Charters are only $50 a year (Just Click Here to Get Your Own Charter/Congregational Affiliation). You will need to order a Pastor Title for $10 and if you have your own Charter Church, the Universal Life Church World Headquarters would be willing to consider you for appointment to Bishop. All Bishops assume a Leadership Role within the Church and are provided voting rights, similar to what Roman Catholics do with Cardinals.
Minister ID's/Name Badges
Again, I cannot emphasize the importance of this item. I know the other ULC's claim such identification is not necessary, this claim is based on the limitations of their ordinations. They are only speaking of requirements by local, county, state or country requirements that regulate wedding officiants, some require ID, some do not. However, Law Enforcement, County Jails, State and Federal Prisons, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and many others do require a Minister Picture ID or Name Badge. Captioned below is an email I received from one of our Ministers. Our Ministers who are out there actually working their ministry they know a Picture ID/Name Badge is very much required. This is a telltale sign of which Ministers are more than just a name on a certificate, those with Minister Picture ID's and Name Badges are really doing what they claim to be doing. The others are just talkers and Minister wannabees.
"Please use this any way you feel that may help other. I want to thank brother Michael for having the supplies I needed to run my church, I have gotten your picture ID badge and Degree from you that has been of great use to me. I have a person that went into the hospital and wanted me there with them. With out this badge I would of not been allowed in. But after I was there they asked for me in another area to help too. Thanks again for having these on hand for me.   ~ Rod Price, New Beginning Church"
Business cards in lots of 250 for only $5, Clergy Executive Style Engraved Pens or Clergy Pens, Clergy Vehicle License Tags/Plates (For states where only one tag/plate is required), Clergy Rearview Mirror Placards, Clergy Yard Signs, Clergy Apparel and etc. Just go to "The Official ULC Online Store" for More Information and Selection,
Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

The Only Universal Life Church True to Its Name & Origin

Being a Christian Minister it is about Leadership, it is about teaching and it is about sharing. Teaching and sharing the Good News of Christ, Leading people from the wrong belief to the correct belief.
There is only one way to salvation and eternal life and that is through our Lord Jesus Christ, any other belief and you will bypass Jesus Christ and his kingdom and you will go to hell.
To Non-Christians you better hope I am wrong. That is a very strong statement, but it is the truth. It is reality.
For those of you who believe Christ dying on the cross was a fairy tale, or that the Bible is nothing but a book of fictional short stories, for those of you who believe Jesus Christ not to be our Savior, for those of you who believe in gods or goddesses, for those of any other faith or religion, for those who are agnostic or atheists, for those of you affiliated with interfaith or non-Christian Churches - Remember when you depart this world you had many opportunities to choose the right pathway, unfortunately I will never get the opportunity to tell you I told you so. Wherefore I will tell you now once again.....there is no other way to eternal life.

There is only one way to salvation and eternal life and that is through our Lord Jesus Christ, any other belief and you will bypass Jesus Christ and his kingdom and you will go to hell.
We are not the Universal Life Church whose leader is out to ordain and to solicit ministry or wedding officiant supplies to every soul on this planet. We set aside such greed to pursue a lifestyle for all with what the Universal Life Church name really stands for, Catholicism or Christianity and ultimately eternal life with Christ.
We are the Universal Life Church whose leader believes in sharing and teaching the Good News of Christ. We are the Universal Life Church whose leader wants to lead all to eternal life in the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are the only Universal Life Church true to our name and to our origin.
If non-Christians want to attack me, ridicule me, throw darts at me, good, the truth hurts, but such means one thing they are hearing my message and perhaps not today, but some day they will choose the right pathway way to Christ.
Our Heavenly Father did not choose for the Universal Life Church to be named after his son, our Lord Jesus Christ without good reason, nor did he choose it to promote any other belief than that of the Christian Faith.
~ Brother Michael

Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - Tribute To & Let Us Keep Billy Graham in Our Prayers

ref: Universal Life Church - Tribute To & Let Us Keep Billy Graham in Our Prayers

World-famous evangelist Billy Graham has been hospitalised with pneumonia.

The 92-year-old preacher is resting comfortably in the hospital in Asheville, North Carolina tonight.

He arrived at Mission Hospital after experiencing discomfort overnight and was admitted for observation and pulmonary treatment, the hospital said in a statement.

The preacher man: Billy Graham, shown here in 2010, has been hospitalised for pneumonia
The preacher man: Billy Graham, shown here in 2010, has been hospitalised for pneumonia

Tests suggested pneumonia and showed his heart was functioning normally, the hospital said.

Graham was alert and resting comfortably, said Dr Lucian Rice, Graham's primary physician. It is not clear how long he will be in the hospital for.

'Appropriate antibiotics are being administered, and he is clinically stable at this time,' said Dr Shaw Henderson in the hospital statement.

Graham, arguably the best-known American evangelist, has preached the Christian gospel to millions worldwide and has given spiritual advice to numerous U.S. Presidents.

Triple tribute: Graham, seated, at a dedication ceremony for the Billy Graham Library in 2007 with former presidents Bush, Carter and Clinton
Triple tribute: Graham, seated, at a dedication ceremony for the Billy Graham Library in 2007 with former presidents Bush, Carter and Clinton

But age-related medical conditions including macular degeneration and hearing loss have kept him mostly at his Montreat, North Carolina, mountain home in recent years, Graham spokesman Larry Ross said.

In a long, distinguished career, Mr Graham, remains in good overall health and has a clear mind he met with twelve United States Presidents, including President Obama and dating back to Harry S. Truman.

The Southern Baptist rose to celebrity status as his sermons were broadcast on radio and television and it is thought he has preached the Gospel in person to more people than anyone in history.

Mr Graham's lifetime audience, including radio and television broadcasts, has topped 2.2 billion.

His true love: Arriving in London with wife Ruth in 1955
His true love: Arriving in London with wife Ruth in 1955

Born William Franklin Graham Jr. on November 7, 1918, on a dairy farm in Charlotte, North Carolina, and was raised in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

When Prohibition ended in 1933, legend has it that Graham's father forced him and his sister Katherine to drink beer until they vomited, which created an aversion, in both of them, to alcohol and drugs.

After graduating from high school he attended Bob Jones College in Cleveland, Tennessee, but decided to quit after one semester.

Bob Jones Sr. himself warned Mr Graham not to throw his life away.

He said: 'At best, all you could amount to would be a poor country Baptist preacher somewhere out in the sticks. You have a voice that pulls. God can use that voice of yours. He can use it mightily.'

Mr Graham transferred to the Florida Bible Institute in 1937 where, accoprding to his autobiography, he 'received [his] calling on the 18th green of the Temple Terrace Golf and Country Club.'

He graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois with a degree in anthropology in 1943. It was while he was that Graham decided to accept the Bible as the infallible word of God.

At the pulpit: How he is best remembered, Graham is said to have preached to more people in the world than anyone else
At the pulpit: How he is best remembered, Graham is said to have preached to more people in the world than anyone else

Mr Graham married Wheaton classmate Ruth Bell in 1943, a union that would last 33 until her death in 2007.

He wrote: 'I saw her walking down the road towards me and I couldn't help but stare at her as she walked.

'She looked at me and our eyes met and I felt that she was definitely the woman I wanted to marry.'

Ruth, in return, once said that she thought Mr Graham 'wanted to please God more than any man I'd ever met.'

They had five children together: Virginia, Graham, Anne, Ruth and Franklin, who looks set to be his father's successor at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

He has 19 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren.

In a 'rule' that came to be known as the Billy Graham Rule, he decided to guard against any appearance of wrongdoing, he would never be alone with a woman, other than his wife.

Special invitation: Graham preached at the Queen Elizabeth's country home, Sandringham, England, in 1984
Special invitation: Graham preached at the Queen Elizabeth's country home, Sandringham, England, in 1984

After college, Mr Graham served briefly as pastor of the Village Church in Western Springs, close to Wheaton. 

A friend who had a radio show told him it was about to be closed due to lack of funding.

Mr Graham took over the show with financial support from his parishioners, keeping its title Songs In The Night.

He eventually decided to move on and was hired as the first full time evangelist of the new Youth for Christ International, travelling extensively throughout America and Europe.

Though he had little formal thelogical training compared to other evangelists, Mr Graham rose to national prominence with revival meetings in Los Angeles in 1949, inside circus tents in a parking lot.

Papal meeting: Graham has a chat with Pope John Paul II in 1981
Papal meeting: Graham has a chat with Pope John Paul II in 1981

The events were backed by William Randolph Hearst, who gave him maximum publicity through his newspaper chain and national magazines.

In 1950 he founded the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and went on to set up his evangelistic crusades.

Typically he would rent a large venue, such as a stadium, park, or street and arranged for a group of up to 5,000 people to sing in a choir.

During the Cold War, Graham became the first evangelist of note to speak behind the Iron Curtain, addressing large crowds in countries throughout Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union, calling for peace.

In the Eighties and in 2000 he sponsored and organized massive training conferences for Christian evangelists from around the world.

He last public appearance was in April, 2010, when, at the age of 91 and with substantial vision and hearing loss, he attended a re-dedication of the renovated Billy Graham Library. 

Family portrait: With wife and their five children in 1993, from left: Gigi, Anne, Ruth, Ruth Snr, Billy, Franklin and Ned
Family portrait: With wife and their five children in 1993, from left: Gigi, Anne, Ruth, Ruth Snr, Billy, Franklin and Ned
Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church & Newt Gingrich


A few weeks ago the Universal Life Church World Headquarters launched our "In God We Trust" save-the-motto campaign. Our Universal Life Church name stands for Assembly of Catholic or Christian Life. Make no mistake the Universal Life Church is 100% Christian as the name implies.
God, Christianity, Family Values & Good Morals
   It Is What The Universal Life Church Epitomizes.
Having issues in life, health, monetary or whatever?
Ask Yourself Maybe It's Time You..... 
Let Brother Michael or one of our many faith based
Ministers get you back on the correct pathway.
One of our Partners in Christ Dr KP Yohannan of Gospel For Asia for years has been preaching that the greatness of America is the fact WE ARE a Christian country, it is what sets us above all countries. It is why USA citizens are better off than any other country on earth. God is reason for our prosperity and good fortune.
Now Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich releases his book:
Rediscovering God In America
The True History of our country
Click on the Book For Link By Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich


Take a walk through our Nation's Capital with Newt and Callista Gingrich. From the National Archives to Arlington National Cemetery, this New York Times best seller illustrates the importance of our Creator to our nation's founders and their successors.

Featuring the photography of Callista Gingrich, this newly revised edition reminds us that America is indeed "One Nation Under God."

You will never think of America in the same way again. Appreciate your heritage. Pass it on to the next generation. Read Rediscovering God in America.

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You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content.

Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - We Have The Most Professional Looking Clergy in The World

The Very First personalized embroidered Black Polo (Golf) Shirt From Our New Universal Life Church Signature Series. The first one ever belongs to Brother James Boelje. Here it is for everyone in the world to see and keep in mind, we have Clergy T's, Hoodies, Zipper Clergy Shirts and more to come.

We Are The Most Professional Looking Clergy in The World - Click on The Polo For More Info

Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - Major Announcement "Designation of Authority"

We Are Growing, As a Result..........
The leader of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters, Brother Michael wishes to designate authority to all Universal Life Church faith based Charters, and the Pastor for each thereof, the opportunity of appointment to Bishop, providing to each the apostolic succession and the authority necessary to ordain men or women at their discretion.
We are getting too big for all ordinations to be handled through the ULC World Headquarters. We will be making available to each Bishop of our Charter Churches, the following ordination certificate or minister license, that can be filled out by hand with your name and your Churches name.
Rules are simple, you must be a Faith Based Minister in Good Standing with us, secondly you must have a Charter/Congregational Affiliation on file and you must accept appointment to Bishop and purchase a Bishop Title. Please bear with us on this, we will have a bit of confusion I'm sure, but we're going to make this happen, the Universal Life Church World Headquarters and the OSM will retain central authority and will continue as the governing authority of all Charter Churches.
Our objective is to involve those within our clergy who seek advancement and recognition, at the same time helping to allieviate the burden on World Headquarters of being the only ordaining party. Those interested, please let us know. Captioned below is the certificate of ordination and the minister's license each congregational affiliate may use in lieu of printing your own certificates. They are legal and binding.
~ Brother Michael

Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - Don't Dwell, Confess, Be Done & Move On

Over the past ten years I've had my share of dealings with men and women incarcerated, some have been released only to go back two or three times in this past ten year period.
I've noticed two huge reasons as to why they get released, only to end up going back through the revolving prison door.
#1 They go back to the same locality they were living in when they got into trouble. What do you expect to happen, you cannot go back as you'll just get caught up with the same friends and the same lifestyle.
#2  Low self esteem coming from guilt and constantly dwelling on their mistakes. Many times these individuals have themselves believing they are bad apples or black sheep of society.
We all make mistakes, whether we've been incarcerated or not. Just because we've never served time, this does not mean we are not sinners. Dwelling on your mistakes is not a confession of your sins. Confession is asking of our Heavenly Father for forgiveness, not dwelling on our mistakes forever thereafter. Dwelling on your sins and things you've done wrong only leads to low self esteem. Your not a bad apple or a black sheep because you've done wrong, you are only human.
People we all sin, we all make mistakes. Quit punishing yourself, as if you are banging your head against the wall, it will not change your life. God accepts your remorse and your confession, put it in your past, pick up the pieces and move on.
I am available 365/24/7 if you need help to do so. Don't make it more difficult than it actually is.
~ Brother Michael
Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
Universal Life Church
803 Tallahassee Street
Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
Tel No: (850)720-1061

Official Universal Life Church Website -
Official Universal Life Church Community: -
©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

Universal Life Church - Available Employment Offered

Universal Life Church

Available Weekly Ministry Jobs
These are legitimate employment opportinities within the Christian Ministry Field. If you are looking for part or full time employment, let us help you put together a resume. Together we'll assess and critique your past experience and education and determine what you need to do, if anything to provide to you the best possible opportunity to land one of these jobs. These are all hourly wage or salaried positions. Minimal requirements are that you are faith based ordained as a Universal Life Church Minister, with a high school diploma and equivalency. Many require four year college degrees, but some require less. We also have both honorary degrees and fully accredited degree programs to help improve your chances. Please contact us for details, place job sought with city and state in subject field and include your ordination name with the month and year of your ordination.
Newest Job Openings:

  • O'Fallon, Missouri  

  • Dubuque, Iowa  

  • Rock Creek, Ohio  

  • Nashville, Tennessee  

  • Schererville,, Indiana  

  • Fort Wayne, Indiana  

  • Richardson, Texas  

  • Clovis, New Mexico  

  • Katy, Texas  

  • Katy, Texas  

  • Hixson, Tennessee  

  • Wichita, Kansas  

  • Azusa, California  

  • San Antonio, Texas  

  • Liberty, Missouri
    Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
    Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
    Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
    Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
    Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
    online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
    Official Universal Life Church Community: -
    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

  • Official Universal Life Church Newsletter

    Happy Mother's Day
    Of course I wish my own Mom Happy Mother's Day, but also to each and every mother as well, including my own daughter Heather who has two wonderful children in Little Mike and Samantha, I wish to you sweetie a Happy Mother's Day! There is no shortage of Mike's in my family. I have a cousin Michael who passed away in 1971, my sister, Suellen is married to a Michael, my daughter Heather married a Michael, and they named their son Michael. I may as well throw in Michael Jordan of the NBA fame as he was born two years later than I so I can say apparently his Mom named him after yours truly, since my middle name is Jordan  (LOL). Last but certainly not least let us say a prayer to and for the mother of our Lord Jesus, Mary, as Mary was most definitely a mother and well deserving to be included in on our Mother's Day celebrations. Life is about love and family and Mom plays kind of a huge role in family. To all Mom's blessings to you and may you enjoy your well deserved day of recognition. Let us also pray and let us appreciate our Moms not just on Mother's Day, but on each and every day in the coming year.
    Minister ID's/Name Badges
    Again, I cannot emphasize the importance of this item. I know the other ULC's claim such identification is not necessary, this claim is based on the limitations of their ordinations. They are only speaking of requirements by local, county, state or country requirements that regulate wedding officiants, some require ID, some do not. However, Law Enforcement, County Jails, State and Federal Prisons, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and many others do require a Minister Picture ID or Name Badge. Captioned below is an email I received from one of our Ministers. Our Ministers who are out there actually working their ministry they know a Picture ID/Name Badge is very much required. This is a telltale sign of which Ministers are more than just a name on a certificate, those with Minister Picture ID's and Name Badges are really doing what they claim to be doing. The others are just talkers and Minister wannabees.
    "Please use this any way you feel that may help other. I want to thank brother Michael for having the supplies I needed to run my church, I have gotten your picture ID badge and Degree from you that has been of great use to me. I have a person that went into the hospital and wanted me there with them. With out this badge I would of not been allowed in. But after I was there they asked for me in another area to help too. Thanks again for having these on hand for me.   ~ Rod Price, New Beginning Church"
    Save The Children & The SDS Community
    Yes our Universal Life Church is affiliated with Save The Children, we do not require tithes nor do we seek donations, but we do ask of our Ministers and Congregational Members to help support Save The Children and the Sisters of the Divine Savior. Ministers if you would please promote these two worthy causes as well. The Children and the Sisters need the money far more than the Universal Life Church. I believe our Heavenly Father will compensate us for our benevolence more so, than by directly seeking donations. Yes we have a donation button on our ULC Community Page, but this is just to keep the community going. Once in a great while we'll get a donation, we do not refuse such, rather we donate it. I've been an ordained Minister for 30 years and it has never failed with respect to; rather than seeking money, we give money and it comes back to us in some fashion. Please donate through our links in this paragraph as this will let them know where it is coming from.
    Minister Picture ID/Name Badges, our new Signature Series Hand Embroidered Clergy Apparel and T's, personalized engraved clergy executive pens, yard signs, pastor handbooks, FREE Doctorate of Divinity Degrees, these are all provided for one reason, to make you look like a professional Minister.
    Appearance goes a long way with respect to others acceptance of you as a legitimate Minister.
    We are professionals, we dress, look and act the part, no different than a law enforcement officer, a physician, an attorney, a security guard and etc.
    We offer everything you need via the Official Universal Life Church Online Store, check this store frequently as we updated it often.
    Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
    Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
    Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
    Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
    Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
    online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
    Official Universal Life Church Community: -
    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

    Universal Life Church - Where's Mom?

    Here it is Mother's Day this Sunday, for some they will visit with Mom over a Mother's Day dinner, for others they will remember Mom and will be united spiritually and than we have some who may wonder Where's Mom?
    Happy Mother's Day to All Moms

    Let us also remember the homeless Moms this Mother's Day. Let us pray that by this time next year the quality of life they live will be much improved and that they will be reunited with their children.
    Scenes like this here in Tampa Bay, Florida are much
    to prevalent in today's world. They are Mom's too.

    Our Universal Life Church World Headquarters offers the only legal
    Faith Based Ordinations and Fully Accredited Degree Programs in
    Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies. We ordain both
    Men and Women as Non-Denominational Ministers OR Independent
    Catholic Priests. Be careful of other Churches with a similar name or
    online ordination services, not all ordinations are the same.
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
    Official Universal Life Church Community: -
    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

    Universal Life Church - Only Evil Would Ordain Evil

    Our Universal Life Church name actually means Catholic or Christian Life Assembly, believe it or not but there are other organizations that use our Christian name to disguise their hidden agenda of ordaining followers of satan, atheists and other non-Christian individuals.
    The ULC in Modesto and Seattle are two that do promote satanism.
    Yes you read this correctly they ordain followers of satan. Satan in my book is our enemy, satan stands for everything evil, murders, corruption, terrorism, monetary issues, rapes, thefts, abortions, drug dealers pushing their crack cocaine and other drugs on our innocent children, or pimps forcing young women into prostitution and etc., etc.
    To ORDAIN followers of satan, something or someone so evil, the act of or the individual performing the ordination has to be an evildoer themselves with a very sinister hidden agenda.
    Don't fall for their interfaith, or equal rights claims, satanism especially or even atheism are more so cults, rather than something that should be honored or glorified by a so called Church, bestowing upon these individuals the sacrament of ordination IS WRONG.
    Anyone who associates with these breeding grounds for satanists or atheists, you are walking hand in hand with evil yourself. Stay clear of the Universal Life Church in Modesto, CA., or this ULC Monastery Storehouse or whatever they claim to be located in Seattle, WA.
    I don't care if you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Wiccan
    or what faith you profess, YOU DO NOT ORDAIN SATANISTS.
    If you want to get ordained as a Minister or as a Wedding Officiant, DO NOT COMPROMISE or DISGRACE your good name or belief by getting ordained or becoming associated with these Churches who condone evil with hidden agendas. If you all ready have and find their satanic ways offensive, get away from them as fast as you can.
    There's many other Churches or Religious Organizations out there. We here at the Universal Life Church World Headquarters DO NOT ORDAIN Satanists or Atheists as well.
    Do you really want to be ordained by an organization that promotes such evil? I surely would not want the same individual who ordains followers of satan ordaining me! 
    Icky Poo.....That's like hanging one on and ending up with Madalyn Murray O'Hair in bed next to you. Yuk Yuk
    The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
    or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
    We ordain Men & Women as Non-denominational
    Ministers or as Independent Catholic Priests
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
    Official Universal Life Church Community: -
    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

    Universal Life Church, Walmart & Save The Children

    The Universal Life Church World Headquarters is affiliated with two organizations, Save The Children and Walmart. We ask of you for your help with making donations to Save The Children by clicking the banner captioned above or by our joint campaign with Walmart to help fight hunger by clicking and shopping at Walmart via the banner captioned below. USA, LLC 
    The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
    or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
    We ordain Men & Women as Non-denominational
    Ministers or as Independent Catholic Priests
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
    Official Universal Life Church Community: -
    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

    Universal Life Church Statement - Osama bin Laden


    This blog is not a tribute to this man, but rather it is a plea to the soul of Osama bin Laden to seek forgiveness in our Lord Jesus Christ and to help those he leaves behind understand that terrorism, death, destruction, war and animosities associated with Religious War (jihad) is unnecessary, counter productive and only leads to innocent victims getting hurt or killed prematurely.
    Murder is murder, to kill is to kill, "Thou Shalt NOT Kill" applies to all of God's children.
    Let us again set aside any exuberance or rejoicing for this individuals death and let us take a moment and remember all victims, family members, friends and those affected from the 9/11 attack and all the acts of aggression as well. 

    Is there not a better way than to kill? It is In the God of Abraham We Need to Place Our Trust  and again did he not instruct us as follows? Thou Shalt Not Kill

    What a shame, such an intelligent individual would fall victim to such evil forces that would lead him to hurt so many? Born into wealth and privilege, bin Laden took a path of evil, fanaticism and terror

    ~ Brother Michael
    Universal Life Church

      AP Photo
    Associated Press

    Osama bin Laden was born into one of Saudi Arabia's most prosperous families, but he left home in search of revolution, found a path of fanaticism, inspired a murderous organization that terrorized the West, and ultimately became the most wanted man in the world.

    The most intense manhunt in history finally caught up with bin Laden, whose money and rageful preaching inspired the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which killed almost 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, and ripped a hole in America's sense of security in the world.

    Reviled in the West as the personification of evil, bin Laden was admired and even revered by some radical Muslims who embraced his vision of unending jihad against the United States and Arab governments he deemed as infidels.

    His actions set off a chain of events that led the United States into wars in Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and a clandestine war against extreme Islamic adherents that touched scores of countries on every continent but Antarctica. America's entire intelligence apparatus was overhauled to counter the threat of more terror attacks at home.

    Bin Laden, 54, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said Sunday, touching off scenes of jubilation at the site of the World Trade Center, in Washington and elsewhere. A small team of Americans carried out the attack early Monday in Pakistan, and took custody of bin Laden's remains, which were quickly buried at sea.

    Bin Laden's al-Qaida organization has also been blamed for the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 224 people and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 American sailors in Yemen, as well as countless other plots, some successful and some foiled.

    Perhaps as significant was his ability - even from hiding - to inspire a new generation of terrorists to murder in his name. Most of al-Qaida's top lieutenants have been killed or captured in the years since Sept. 11, 2001, and intelligence officials in Europe and Asia say they now see a greater threat from homegrown radical groups energized by bin Laden's cause.

    As his years in hiding dragged on, he became less and less of a presence. Revolutions and upheaval in the Middle East and North Africa in recent months were largely inspired by young people seeking economic and political freedom, rather than bin Laden's radical vision of an Islamic caliphate ruled by Shariah law.

    Al-Qaida is not thought to have provided logistical or financial support to the group of North African Muslims who pulled off the March 11, 2004, bombings in Madrid, Spain - which killed 191 people - but they were certainly inspired by its dream of worldwide jihad. Likewise, no link has been established between al-Qaida's leadership and the four British Muslim suicide bombers who killed 52 people in London on July 7, 2005, but few believe the attack would have taken place had bin Laden not aroused the passions of young Muslim radicals the world over.

    The war in Iraq - justified in part by erroneous intelligence that suggested Saddam Hussein had both weapons of mass destruction and a link to al-Qaida - became a cauldron in which some of the world's next generation of terrorists honed skills.

    Al-Qaida took advantage of the chaos of post-Saddam Iraq - helping to drag the United States into a quagmire that led to the death of some 5,000 American troops, and many scores of thousands of Iraqis.

    Indeed, bin Laden's legacy is a world still very much on edge.

    Terms like dirty bomb, full-body scan and weapons of mass destruction became staples of the global vocabulary; and others like Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and extraordinary rendition fueled a burning anger in the Muslim world.

    But long before bin Laden became the world's most hunted man, few believed fate would move him in that direction.

    Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957. He became known as the most pious of the sons among his wealthy father's 54 children. Bin Laden's path to militant Islam began as a teenager in the 1970s when he got caught up in the fundamentalist movement then sweeping Saudi Arabia. He was a voracious reader of Islamic literature and listened to weekly sermons in the holy city of Mecca.

    Thin, bearded and over 6 feet (1.83 meters) tall, bin Laden joined the Afghans' war against invading Soviet troops in the 1980s and gained a reputation as a courageous and resourceful commander. Access to his family's considerable construction fortune certainly helped raise his profile among the mujahedeen fighters.

    At the time, bin Laden's interests converged with those of the United States, which backed the "holy war" against Soviet occupation with money and arms.

    When bin Laden returned home to Saudi Arabia, he was showered with praise and donations and was in demand as a speaker in mosques and homes. It did not take long for his aims to diverge from those of his former Western supporters.

    "When we buy American goods, we are accomplices in the murder of Palestinians," he said in one of the cassettes made of his speeches from those days.

    A seminal moment in bin Laden's life came in 1990, when U.S. troops landed on Saudi soil to drive Iraq out of Kuwait.

    Bin Laden tried to dissuade the government from allowing non-Muslim armies into the land where the Prophet Muhammad gave birth to Islam, but the Saudi leadership turned to the United States to protect its vast oil reserves. When bin Laden continued criticizing Riyadh's close alliance with Washington, he was stripped of Saudi citizenship.

    "I saw radical changes in his personality as he changed from a calm, peaceful and gentle man interested in helping Muslims into a person who believed that he would be able to amass and command an army to liberate Kuwait. It revealed his arrogance and his haughtiness," Prince Turki, the former Saudi intelligence chief, said in an interview with Arab News and MBC television in late 2001.

    "His behavior at that time left no impression that he would become what he has become," the prince added.

    The prince, who said he met bin Laden several times years ago in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, described him as "a gentle, enthusiastic young man of few words who didn't raise his voice while talking."

    Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of Al-Quds al-Arabi, London-based newspaper, spent 10 days with bin Laden in an Afghan cave in 1996. He said bin Laden "touched the root of the grievances of millions in the Arab world" when he presented himself as the alternative to Arab regimes that have been incapable of liberating Arab land from Israeli occupation and restoring pride to their people.

    He said bin Laden and his followers never feared death.

    "Those guys spoke about death the way young men talk about going to the disco," Atwan said. "They envied those who fell in battle because they died as martyrs in God's cause."

    Still, bin Laden had a knack for staying alive.

    After being kicked out of Saudi Arabia, bin Laden sought refuge in Sudan. The African country acceded to a U.S. request and offered to turn bin Laden over to Saudi Arabia in 1996, but his native country declined, afraid a trial would destabilize the country.

    Back on familiar terrain in Afghanistan - allowed in by the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani - bin Laden and his al-Qaida network prepared for the holy war that turned him into Washington's No. 1 enemy.

    When the Taliban - who would eventually give him refuge - first took control of Kabul in September 1996, bin Laden and his Arab followers kept a low profile, uncertain of their welcome under the new regime. The Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar called bin Laden to southern Kandahar from his headquarters in Tora Bora and eventually through large and continual financial contributions to the isolated Taliban, bin Laden became dependent on the religious militia for his survival.

    In Afghanistan, he would wake before dawn for prayers, then eat a simple breakfast of cheese and bread. He closely monitored world affairs. Almost daily, he and his men - Egyptians, Yemenis, Saudis, among others - practiced attacks, hurling explosives at targets and shooting at imaginary enemies.

    He also went horseback riding, his favorite hobby, and enjoyed playing traditional healer, often prescribing honey, his favorite food, and herbs to treat colds and other illnesses. In Afghanistan, bin Laden was often accompanied by his four wives - the maximum Islam allows. Estimates on the number of his children range up to 23.

    Al-Qaida's first major strike after bin Laden returned to Afghanistan was on Aug. 7, 1998, when twin explosions rocked U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Most of the victims were African passers-by, but the bombings also killed 12 Americans.

    Days later, bin Laden escaped a cruise missile strike on one of his training camps in Afghanistan launched by the United States in retaliation. Bin Laden is believed to have been at the Zhawar Kili Al-Badr camp for a meeting with several of his top men, but left shortly before some 70 Tomahawk cruise missiles slammed into the dusty complex.

    Since Sept. 11, 2001, bin Laden stayed a step ahead of the dragnet - perhaps the largest in history for a single individual.

    As the Taliban quickly fell under pressure of the U.S. bombardment, bin Laden fled into the inhospitable mountains in the seam that separates Pakistan and Afghanistan, keeping up a spotty stream of chatter - first in video tapes and then in scratchy audio recordings - to warn his Western pursuers of more bloodshed.

    Just hours after the U.S. assault on Afghanistan began on Oct. 7, 2001, bin Laden appeared in a video delivered to Al-Jazeera, an Arab satellite television station, to issue a threat to America.

    "I swear by God ... neither America nor the people who live in it will dream of security before we live it in Palestine, and not before all the infidel armies leave the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him," said bin Laden, dressed in fatigues.

    He reappeared in a video appearance broadcast by Al-Jazeera on Dec. 27, 2001, shortly after U.S. forces apparently had him cornered in Tora Bora, a giant cave complex in eastern Afghanistan. Hundreds of al-Qaida suspects are believed to have escaped the massive U.S. bombing campaign there, and bin Laden is believed to have been among them.

    During the past decade, bin Laden and deputy Ayman al-Zawahri have appeared regularly in audio and video tapes to issue threats, and comment on a wide range of current events, although the appearances trailed off in recent years.

    In November 2002, bin Laden threatened Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Germany and Australia for their support for the United States, saying: "It is time we get even. You will be killed just as you kill, and will be bombed just as you bomb." Later, he called on Muslims to rise up against leaders in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait he saw as Washington's stooges.

    In 2004, he tried a new tack, offering a "truce" to European countries that don't attack Muslims, then later saying that the United States could avoid another Sept. 11 attack if it stopped threatening the security of Muslims.

    After a long silence, bin Laden stepped up his messages in 2006, and the subjects he addressed became more political. In January 2006, he addressed his comments to the American people rather than U.S. President George W. Bush because, he said, polls showed "an overwhelming majority" of Americans wanted a withdrawal from Iraq. He even recommended Americans pick up a copy of the book "The Rogue State," which he said offered a path to peace.

    At several points in the years since the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden's capture or death had appeared imminent. After the March 2003 arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, officials in Islamabad and Washington were paraded out to deny a consistent stream of rumors that bin Laden had been captured.

    U.S. forces poured into the border region looking for him and former Taliban and Taliban in hiding said bin Laden had constantly been on the move, traveling through the mountains with a small entourage of security.

    Through it all, bin Laden vowed repeatedly that he was willing to die in his fight to drive the Israelis from Jerusalem and Americans from Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

    "America can't get me alive," bin Laden was quoted as saying in an interview with a Pakistani journalist conducted shortly after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

    And while his bluster proved prophetic, in the end it was not bin Laden who would get the last word.

    "On nights like this one," Obama said in announcing bin Laden's death to the world, "we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al-Qaida's terror: Justice has been done."

    The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
    or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
    We ordain Men & Women as Non-denominational
    Ministers or as Independent Catholic Priests
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
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    ©2011 Universal Life Church World Headquarters, USA

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    Universal Life Church - Don't Mistake Interfaith Likes for Beliefs

    We live in a world filled with many diversifications of beliefs. However, I believe the Christian Faith is the one and only correct belief and that the only pathway to eternal life is through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    This does not mean I disrespect believers of any other faith. Absolutely not! But of course I believe they are incorrect, as I would not be a Christian strong in my faith if I didn't.
    An individual can like attributes of other beliefs, I'm no exception, but this does not mean I believe in other faiths. What it means is I am a Christian that appreciates similarities of my belief practiced by others.
    If you believe Jesus Christ to be your Savior? You are a Christian!
    Don't confuse the fact your belief is very much Christian, but like me that you appreciate similarities with other's beliefs. This does not make you interfaith, it makes you a Christian respectful of others.
    We are the only Universal Life Church to offer LEGAL, REAL FAITH-BASED ORDINATION. If you want to be more than a Wedding Minister, check us out today.
    The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
    or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
    Universal Life Church
    803 Tallahassee Street
    Carrabelle FL 32322-3220
    Tel No: (850)720-1061

    Official Universal Life Church Website -
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    ©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA