Ref: Get Ordained | Become a Minister | Universal Life Church
Brother Jason Endress is one of our most professional Ministers, as Chief Moderator of the ULC Network I'm proud to share with you Brother Jason's profile as a Featured Profile here on the ULC Network. ~ Brother Michael
Freemasonry and theology are a very big part of my life. We are all following our own path to the same celestial shore, there to find our final reward. Grace unto God and may tolerance and virtue illuminate our path to know that all things are possible.
I was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason in Battle Ground Lodge # 313 in 2003. I am a member of Mt. Zion lodge #211 and also a honorary life member at Burlington #211. I spent time going through the chairs at #313 and transferred to Mt. Zion while occupying the Senior Warden's office. I served as Chaplin at Mt Zion # 211 from 2007 to 2009. I had the distinct honor of Siting in the East and raising my father in 2006. I am also an active member at Murat Shrine in Indianapolis Indiana. I was elected Master of the Royal Secret 32* In the Indianapolis Valley Scottish Rite in 2005 where I currently serve the membership development comity, and also serve as Master of Ceremonies. I served the Scottish Rite Valley from 2006 to 2008 as chairman for membership development for district 1 for Carroll, Clinton, Tippecanoe, and Howard Counties. I was Knighted in Raper Commandery #1 by Illustrious Grand Master Robert E. Hancock 33*, Indiana. In 2008 I also became a member of IBN SAUD Grotto in Kokomo Indiana. I am also a proud member of the Order of the Eastern Star . I look forward to conversing with as many like minded individuals as possible.
Everyone has the opinion that I belong to a secret society. This could not be farther from the truth. I do not hide the fact that I belong to several masonic organizations, and I do not know personally of any who do hide their affiliations. The requirements for membership are also public knowledge. Yes, if you are a mason you must believe in GOD. There is no hiding the fact that each breath we take is given to us by a greater power, that is evident in every thing around us.
For that reason I say Grace be unto God.
I am so fortunate to live in a country where religious tolerance is so strongly protected and grateful to be part of an organization that so strongly uplifts all mankind under a single goal to make a man better and his community a better place for all, even if they disagree.
On that point, should we all not at some point simply agree that we disagree and not hold the each other accountable for our own sins.
I am adept in knowledge of many faiths and practices and offer personal and spiritual advice. I am a Minister, and not a licensed counselor. If you are in need of help with serious counseling issues I would be glad to assist you in locating someone licensed in that profession. I am also always willing to entertain prayer requests form all faiths. I preform these services as a way to contribute my life's spirit to others. If you are in need of any of the above please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will perform a wedding ceremony at the place of your choosing. I charge no fee for my services, however, I will accept donations for services but a donation is not required. All you must do is contact me in advance to make arrangements.
List of Professional Ministry organizational memberships I belong to:
GATHERING GUIDE - network of wedding officiants
PECIDIO - network of wedding officiants
As a minister , I dedicate myself to conduct my ministry according to the ethical guidelines and principles set forth in this code of ethics, in order that my ministry be acceptable to ALL FAITHS, my service be beneficial to the entire community, and my life be a witness to the world.
Responsibilities to Self
1. I will maintain my physical and emotional health through regular exercise, good eating habits, and the proper care of my body.
2. I will nurture my devotional life through a regular time of prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and meditation.
3.I will continue to grow intellectually through personal study, comprehensive reading, and attending growth conferences.
4. I will manage my time well by properly balancing personal obligations, church duties, and family responsibilities, and by observing a weekly day off and an annual vacation.
5. I will be honest and responsible in my finances by paying all debts on time, never seeking special gratuities or privileges, giving generously to worthwhile causes
6.I will be truthful in my speech, never plagiarizing another’s work, exaggerating the facts, misusing personal experiences, or communicating gossip.
7. I will seek to be Faithful in attitude and action toward all persons regardless of race, social class, religious beliefs, or position of influence within the church and community.
Responsibilities to Family
1.I will be fair to every member of my family, giving them the time, love, and consideration they need.
2. I will understand the unique role of my spouse, recognizing his or her primary responsibility is as marital partner and parent to the children, and secondarily as church worker and assistant to the pastor.
3. I will regard my children as a gift from God and seek to meet their individual needs without imposing undue expectations upon them.
Responsibilities to the Congregation
1.I will seek to be a servant-minister of the church by following the example of Universatality in faith, love, wisdom, courage, and integrity.
2. I will faithfully discharge my time and energies as pastor, teacher, preacher, and administrator through proper work habits and reasonable schedules.
3. In my administrative and pastoral duties, I will be impartial and fair to all members.
4. In my preaching responsibilities, I will give adequate time to prayer and preparation, so that my presentation will be, theologically correct, and clearly communicated.
5. In my pastoral counseling, I will maintain strict confidentiality, except in cases where disclosure is necessary to prevent harm to persons and/or is required by law.
6. I will not charge fees to church members for weddings or funerals; for nonmembers I will establish policies based on ministry opportunities, time constraints, and theological beliefs.
Responsibilities to Colleagues
1. I will endeavor to relate to all ministers, especially those with whom I serve, as partners in the work of God, respecting their ministry and cooperating with them.
2. I will seek to serve my minister colleagues and their families with counsel, support, and personal assistance.
3. I will refuse to treat other ministers as competition in order to gain a church, receive an honor, or achieve statistical success.
4. I will refrain from speaking disparagingly about the person or work of any other minister, especially my predecessor or successor.
5. I will enhance the ministry of my successor by refusing to interfere in any way with the church I formerly served.
6. I will return to a former church field for professional services, such as weddings and funerals, only if invited by the resident pastor.
7. I will treat with respect and courtesy any predecessor who returns to my church field.
8. I will be thoughtful and respectful to all retired ministers and, upon my retirement, I will support and love my pastor.
9. I will be honest and kind in my recommendations of other ministers to church positions or other inquiries.
10. If aware of serious misconduct by a minister, I will contact responsible officials of that minister’s church body and inform them of the incident.
Responsibility to the Community
1. I will consider my primary responsibility is to be pastor and will never neglect ministerial duties in order to serve in the community.
2. I will accept reasonable responsibilities for community service, recognizing the minister has a public ministry.
3. I will support public morality in the community through responsible prophetic witness and social action.
4. I will obey the laws of my government unless they require my disobedience to the law of God.
5. I will practice Faithful citizenship without engaging in partisan politics or political activities that are unethical, unbiblical, or unwise.
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