
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

From ULC HQ: To All Pagans & Wiccans

As many of you know I'm a very strong, staunch Christian. When I was ordained and confirmed Christian I committed myself to serve my Lord Jesus, to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be a Soldier of Christ. With that same conviction I have toward my belief, I ask of you to have the same to yours.
One of my good friends leads a Wiccan Coven here in Tallahassee, FL., and one of his biggest pet peeves is The Universal Life Church in Modesto and Seattle, how they possess no real doctrine, how ministers are ordained primarily as wedding officiants and how these Churches sell proprietary titles to the Wiccan Faith.
I do not blame him. Wiccans and Pagans alike have a proud history, they do not ordain but rather appoint or initiate. By you associating with either ULC in Seattle or Modesto, what is that telling others and/or to those true to Wicca or Paganism.
The ULC in Modesto and/or Seattle offer only an interfaith ordination. As far as being a wedding officiant, which is the only thing an interfaith ordination provides, Wiccans and Pagans all you need to do to be eligible to serve as a Wedding Minister is to start your own Religious Organization or Entity WITHIN YOUR OWN FAITH.
The 1st Amendment Provides us this right.
There are ULC's exclusive to Wicca or Paganism, just like ours is to Christianity. Or there are Covens or Organizations in your local area who can help you start a FAITH BASED WICCA or a FAITH BASED PAGANISM, Coven, Church, Temple, etc., etc.
Titles sold by these non faith based Churches ARE WORTHLESS. Quit being duped. Quit showing such disrespect to your fellow Wiccans or Pagans and/or the legacy of these beliefs.
It is out of respect I write this. I maybe a strong willed Christian and I may believe the only pathway to eternal life is through Jesus Christ. But I don't need to compromise my belief to respect your rights to your belief. As my Father said if you are going to do something, do it right or don't do it at all.
I hope you each find the pathway of your faith of which you seek. We have become the largest Universal Life Church, based on honesty, integrity and doing that which is right

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Official Universal Life Church Newsletter


The Milwaukee Dream

The Universal Life Church and The Owner of This
Property Wish To Share This Dream With You.

Whether it's the sparkling waters of Lake Michigan, or our rich cultural heritage, Milwaukee has something for everyone, offering a unique mix of old-world charm with new-world vigor that makes Milwaukee a very special place. Milwaukee's diverse population is highlighted in our ethnic festivals and religious celebrations. Polish Fest, Germanfest, Irish Fest and African World Festival have all been named Top 100 Events by the American Bus Association, and helped Milwaukee become known as The City of Festivals.

Troubles w/ Other ULC's Ministers

Again, I want to caution you regarding interaction with ULC Ministers of the non-Christian Universal Life Churches. Two of our Ministers have had issues with Ministers from The Monastery or the ULC Modesto this past week to NO FAULT of their own. For those of you who belong to the Ecumenical Order of Pope John XXIII, you have been made aware of one of the incidences. A second incident involves a Canadian Minister who convinced one of our Ministers to ordain him allegedly FREE, this Canadian Minister is demanding we take action against this Minister who ordained him because he has yet to receive credentials. As I attempted to explain to this Canadian Minister it is a No Brainer ordination is free, but that does not necessarily mean the certificate or letters in good standing are free. Our Brother has done absolutely nothing wrong, but MANY of these individuals ordained by Modesto or the Monastery have no business being ordained. There's no other way to put it, some of these individuals lack the knowledge necessary to function as Ministers.

This is why we screen each applicant. It is why I talk with each. I will never condone the practices of the ULC Modesto or the Monastery with their assembly line ordination, both of these so called Churches have ordained animals as a joke perpetrated by sick individuals. Ordination or Holy Orders is a sacrament. In talking with my Sister and other representatives or officials within the Catholic Church, like they say not every person in this world is qualified to be a minister or a nun.

It is one thing to have freedom of choice with respect to how an individual prays, it is another to ordain anyone and everyone, including dogs and cats as memebers of the clergy.

Church Charters (Click Here) 
If You Do Not Have a Photo Minister ID/Name Badge? (Click Here)
This Scan Is Not Reflective of The High Quality of Our ID's
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ULC Minister ID Cards & Badges
Lower Price & More Accessories
Just a quick note, we've been able to lower the price substantially on Minister Picture ID Cards. On our Cards with a background check we dropped the price $10. Whether you get the Minister ID Card with or without a background check, this is an incredible deal, because you can choose from one or all four accessories to go with your cards from lanyards, to clips, reels and/or a magnetic strip on the back.
This Makes Your Minister ID Card not just a wallet credential, but it will serve a dual purpose as a Minister badge you can wear at various places such as hospitals, nursing homes, jails, anywhere you need to be publicly recognized as a Minister.
NO ONE will question your status as a Minister - These make you look like a PRO.  Click Here To Order
Professional Appearance goes a long way with determining the success of your ministry. This holds true with gaining employment within the Ministry field, ascertaining grants or donations, the booking of wedding officiant opportunities and etc. Now is the time to stock up on your ministry credentials and/or products. All products are tax deductible where applicable. Minister rings, watches, bulletins, handbooks, clergy apparel, it is all construed as business expenses, every item purchased through our store is a write off.

License Plate Tag (Click Here)

Clergy name on a black license plate. Identify your car to local authorities. High-quality rust resistant aluminum tag for your car. License plates measure 6" x 12" with universal mounting slots that fit all American vehicles. Note: We will verify & authenticate with your local law enforcement your vehicle is a public service, emergency service vehicle contingent on your ministry and local applicable laws upon your request. This is the only clergy tag recognized by law enforcement, it is not paper or plastic, it is high quality aluminum. For states with two license plate/tag requirements, this can be placed in a window or above the front plate/tag. All Ministers should be using these in conjunction with a picture ID/name badge. To write off fuel receipts, and car maintenance and/or monthly payments for estimated business usage on taxes, this tag is suggested.

Business Cards - Only $5 in Lots of 250 (Click Here)
Professional multi color, high gloss business cards will leave recipients impressed

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Bumper Stickers (Click Here)
Attractive, full size, EZ peel will not harm vehicle finish

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

This ULC Minister is Busy 75 Couples Wed on V-Day

Loveland Ski Area asks couples to get hitched on the hill with 20th annual Marry Me Ski Free day.

Don't Forget Our Exclusive
Universal Life Church Wedding Mall
It's a Huge Hit - Click Link to See.

By RealVail
Real Vail – February 12, 2011

Loveland Ski Area will host the 20th Annual Marry MeSki Free Mountaintop Matrimony on Monday, Feb. 14. The mass wedding ceremony will be held at noon on Valentine's Day at 12,050 feet outside the Ptarmigan Roost Cabin.

More than 75 couples are pre-registered to get married or renew their vows high on the Continental Divide at this Loveland tradition. Following the ceremony, couples, often dressed in full wedding attire, will make their first tracks together down the mountain to a casual reception complete with a champagne toast, wedding cake and music.

Harry Heilman, registered minister with the Universal Life Church, will conduct the ceremony at the top of Chair 2. Couples that pre-register on or before Feb. 12 will receive 2 for 1 lift tickets and lunches for the event and free admission into the reception, which will be at 1:30 p.m. on the patio of Loveland Basin.

"We are proud that so many people have decided to get married on our hill over the past 19 seasons," said John Sellers, marketing director. "Some people think china and platinum are good gifts to celebrate 20 years, but we are partial to snow, and fortunately have plenty to share with everyone this Valentine's Day."

The reception will begin at 1:30 p.m. on the patio at Loveland Basin with Summit County's KSMT the Mountain emceeing the festivities. The highlight of the reception is the best dressed contest, where couples show off their ski-wedding attire and compete against other couples for prizes from Loveland Ski Area, the Hotel Chateau Chamonix, Coors, The Euro Grill and KSMT the Mountain. Guests and couples that did not pre-register for the reception can purchase lunch and admission to the reception for $15.

 1 Comment From Brother Michael on "Loveland Ski Area asks couples to get hitched on the hill with 20th annual Marry Me & Ski Free day"

UniversalLifeChurch – Feb. 13, 2011, at 12:22 a.m.

The Universal Life Church wants to congratulate each couple and to salute Brother Harry for his work, effort and his dedication.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

ULC Minister Danny Bonaduce in The News


Get me to the casino on time


After their engagement in December, he and Hess, a speech therapist, discussed a courthouse marriage before his deployment to Afghanistan with his Air National Guard squadron. But Greenhow took a shot at the contest, which had couples answering questions on the air, รก la The Newlywed Game. The reception for 200 people was Friday at White Clay Creek Country Club at Delaware Park casino near Wilmington. The couple will take a honeymoon (a Caribbean cruise with Bonaduce and his wife, Amy) after Greenhow returns from overseas.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

The Milwaukee Dream

The Universal Life Church and The
Owner of This Property Wish To Share
This Dream With You.
Whether it's the sparkling waters of Lake Michigan, or our rich cultural heritage, Milwaukee has something for everyone, offering a unique mix of old-world charm with new-world vigor that makes Milwaukee a very special place. Milwaukee's diverse population is highlighted in our ethnic festivals and religious celebrations. Polish Fest, Germanfest, Irish Fest and African World Festival have all been named Top 100 Events by the American Bus Association, and helped Milwaukee become known as The City of Festivals.
But the summer packed with festivals is just the beginning. Exciting attractions are here for every visitor in every season. Mansions, gardens, the world-renowned museums, breweries, sporting events and Potawatomi Bingo Casino offer year-round excitement. Milwaukee has something for every age and interest to experience.
The Universal Life Church led by one of our Ministers looks to add to the Milwaukee (Just 90 miles north of Chicago, IL) Experience, his dream as follows:
I along with another partner own (almost) a 300,000 sq.ft. PLUS warehouse in downtown Milwaukee apprzd @ $14.7M we currently owe about $2.6M on it and tried to get financed through our bank that is holding the note for the property and were told that they no longer do commercial lending.  Here are my thoughts, I  intially wanted to create a senior non-assisted living facility w/a retail market and outreach church.  After that faded I thought about a Dream Center  with a church and programs for troubled youth and human trafficking, an outreach facility that has programs such as these, similar to the one based in Ca.  We had a guesstimator come out and gave us an idea of what it would be worth after we shared our ideas with him and he told us between $73M to $87M it depended on what we would do with it and because of what is happening in that area.  Now I have added the costs of a project like this one and since I was in construction and also solicited other various bids to be as low as $21M and as much as $30M to do this and make this happen.  After everything is said and done I would then buy out my partner and DONATE the facility to someone who would take it further than I did, who knows maybe create something similar to "The Holy Land Experience" w/a waterpark (Christian based) up here in the midwest.  Harley Davidson built a $97M facilty across the river (a stones throw) from where our buildings are and there is a $227M Water Purification Plant going in across the street. I initially was looking for joint ventures or partners and was willing to trade up to 30% of the value in tangibles and after I tithed Gods percentage and would still donate the buildings,  I apologize for rambling here and it is o.k. if you are not aware of anyone right now but perhaps you may in the future, I Thank-You for your time in reading this, May God Bless Your Journey        
Picture of Current Location of 120 - 160 S 2nd Street, Milwaukee, WI. 53204

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Monday, February 7, 2011

Official Universal Life Church Newsletter


Universal Life Church Newsletter
Click pictures or banner for additional details & do not forget about our weekly Sunday Service Go to:
We The People - God Bless America
and our OSM Commemorative Coins
Available For a Limited Time - While Supplies Last

St Michael's Dog Tags w/FREE
       St Michael's Lapel Pin

Check Our New Catholic Items Department
More Will Be Added in The Near Future

Our Universal Life Church
    Universal Degrees
We have temporarily removed our private home school K-12 through our Alpha Omega affiliation as classes are over-booked. We do however offer High School Diplomas through our Universal Degrees. We also offer associate degrees and bachelor degrees and degree programs, as well as post grad masters, doctorates and Ph.D degrees and programs.

We highly recommend Biblical Studies, Theology, Pastoral Care, Divinity, Nursing and/or the Educational Field to enhance your own personal Ministry, that'll lead to both higher wages and the availability of you helping more of those in need for such services.

Click The Banner or Visit Our K-12 Academy Page Via Our Website For More Details (In Addition We Offer Our Universal & Christian Academy Degrees as Well).
Universal Degrees

This Week's Ministry Job Openings
Contact Brother Michael For Complete Details on The Respective Job of Interest To You

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Who Is Rev Burt Reynolds?


Universal Life Church Highlight of 2010 - Burt Reynolds at the Doubletree here in Tallahassee this past year joining in with our Universal Life Church family.

We love ya Burt!

Diana You look good in the picture. Theresa missed out, but sends her love.

Still Awaiting Tallahasseean Ms Faye Dunaway



The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
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©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

What Do You See?


I see one of God's Greatest Gifts.
Since Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Through the last 2000 years Christians and our Universal (Life) Church has seen our world change, but through it all one thing remains constant and that is God is the Creator of Life, science has never been able to prove otherwise and scientists have been left baffled scratching their heads.
Join Us Today with the Christian Universal Life Church, we invite new members, prospective ministers or priests and where visitors are always welcome. Check out our website captioned below.
Make no mistake the gates of hell will never prevail, there may be those who will try, but they will be destroyed as will all those who follow the wrong pathway without seeking forgiveness. Our pathway to our Church maybe a bit narrower yet it is the right pathway!

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Men Be Careful of Anal Rape in China - It's Legal

We are sorry if this picture or the title of this article offends you, however in today's society this is a very serious issue. Men need to think twice about travelling to China these days. Unbelievable as it may sound, it is not a criminal offense in China for another to force anal sex on another man. You heard me right, men you can be subject to getting banged in China against your will and there's no law on the books to say it is criminal.


The Global Times highlights an interesting case that caught our attention yesterday.

A 42-year-old security guard at a fitness club in Beijing was sentenced to one year behind bars for raping an 18-year-old male colleague in the dormitory, but prosecutors had a tough time dealing with this case because there is no law against anal rape in China!

Here's the problem: According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, rape is very narrowly defined as "a man's penetration of the vagina without the woman's consent". The anal rape by a man of a woman is covered separately under "sexual molestation", but there is technically nothing in the law to prosecute a man who has anally raped another man!

In this particular case, prosecutors eventually charged the security guard for "committing intentional injury" to his victim. After he was found guilty, Zhang was ordered to pay Li RMB20,000 as compensation and put behind bars for a year.

Shanghai-based lawyer Zhou Dan, who specialises in LGBT- and HIV-related cases, laments the loophole in the law on sexual assault between two men or two women. "Some people take advantage of that and remain on the street after sexual assaults if the victim suffers no substantial injuries," Zhou told the Global Times.

Here's hoping that China will soon implement gender-neutral laws, not just for sexual assault, but for all other laws in its criminal code.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Men Be Careful of Anal Rape in China - It's Legal

We are sorry if this picture or the title of this article offends you, however in today's society this is a very serious issue. Men need to think twice about travelling to China these days. Unbelievable as it may sound, it is not a criminal offense in China for another to force anal sex on another man. You heard me right, men you can be subject to getting banged in China against your will and there's no law on the books to say it is criminal.


The Global Times highlights an interesting case that caught our attention yesterday.

A 42-year-old security guard at a fitness club in Beijing was sentenced to one year behind bars for raping an 18-year-old male colleague in the dormitory, but prosecutors had a tough time dealing with this case because there is no law against anal rape in China!

Here's the problem: According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, rape is very narrowly defined as "a man's penetration of the vagina without the woman's consent". The anal rape by a man of a woman is covered separately under "sexual molestation", but there is technically nothing in the law to prosecute a man who has anally raped another man!

In this particular case, prosecutors eventually charged the security guard for "committing intentional injury" to his victim. After he was found guilty, Zhang was ordered to pay Li RMB20,000 as compensation and put behind bars for a year.

Shanghai-based lawyer Zhou Dan, who specialises in LGBT- and HIV-related cases, laments the loophole in the law on sexual assault between two men or two women. "Some people take advantage of that and remain on the street after sexual assaults if the victim suffers no substantial injuries," Zhou told the Global Times.

Here's hoping that China will soon implement gender-neutral laws, not just for sexual assault, but for all other laws in its criminal code.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

ULC Ordinations - If You Can't Do it Right Than Don't Do It At All.

First off you need to understand what the definitions are for Faith-Less and Faith-Based ordinations.
Faith-Less or as some refer to as Inter-Faith are simply generic ordinations to satisfy statuatory requirements to officiate wedding ceremonies. They are not devout to any one faith, nor are they recognized by any one respective faith.
It is not that Faith-Less or Inter-Faith ordinations are illegal, because if you go to your County Clerk or Wedding Authority they will accept such as Credentials of Ministry for you to perform as a Wedding Minister. However beyond that of being able to officiate at wedding ceremonies, they are pretty much worthless.
You do not need to be ordained to officiate baptisms or funerals.
There is no respective faith who will view you as an ordained minster within their faith.
A faith-less or inter-faith ordination does not make you a Catholic Priest, a Christian Minister, a Wiccan or Pagan High Priestess, a Jewish Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk, so on and so forth. They are what they are, an ordination that appeases statuatory requirements for you to serve as a Wedding Minister. In many countries faith-less or inter-faith ordination doesn't even qualify an individual to serve as a wedding officiant.
Faith-Based Ordination is the real deal, some faiths or beliefs do not ordain, they initiate or appoint. The word ordination is generally associated with the Christian Faith. Ordination within a respective faith provides not only the availability to perform as a Wedding Officiant, but pretty much all duties associated with being a Faith-Based Minister. Faith-Based Ministers are also more readily accepted throughout the world as wedding officiants and within each respective faith.
Ministers who are not faith-based generally do not get grants, donations or are looked upon as legitimate Ministers. Even though by law you are legit, wedding ministers and faith-based ministers are generally looked upon differently.
My suggestion is this, if you are Christian, get ordained through us - WE ARE THE ONLY Universal Life Church with Christian, Non-Denominational or Independent Catholic Ordinations. If you are Wiccan, Pagan, Buddhist and etc., there are Universal Life Churches within these sects of Faith. Just Google them.
The Universal Life Church in Modesto or Seattle are for those just looking to be wedding officiants, or for those nobody else will ordain such as followers of satan or atheists.
Don't compromise your faith or your conviction to your belief. As my father always said; "If you can't do it right - than don't do it at all!"

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Why Are Our Ministers More Accepted By Benefactors, Grant Providers & Etc.?

Follow The Right Pathway With
The Right Universal Life Church
I think one of the biggest reasons why our respective Ministers get grants or low interest loans is because of two things.
1.) Our Universal Life Church has a legitimate Doctrine of Faith.
2.) Our Universal Life Church and our Ministers are Christian.
These two facets are huge. We live in a country that is predominantly Christian, with an extremely small minority involved in many non Christian streams of belief or non-belief. Even though the Muslim or Jewish are not necessarily defined as Christian, they are still in the family and are generally accepted same as those of the Christian Faith.
Those of other faiths are fighting uphill battles. It is hard for any benefactor to look at a non-Christian organization and to feel good that they have much of a future here in the USA.
In fact our benefactors and grant providers refuse to deal with any non-Christian Churches or organizations and many of our Ministers have to specify; "Hey we're with the Christian Universal Life Church not the minority ULC's in Modesto or Seattle." I run in to such many times where folks are not readily wlling to do business with me because I identify myself to be a Minister with the Universal Life Church. Right away they assume I am ordained by the one of those others in Modesto or Seattle.
It is not discrimatory, but rather it is all based on supply and demand. We are a Christian Country and as a result Christian Churches and Christian Religious Organizations will take precedence.
Join Us With Us On The Right Pathway - Universal Life Church -
We Provide to Our Ministers Far More
Than Any Other Universal Life Church.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Are Universal Life Church Marriages Valid In The Eyes of God?


How Would Our Christian God View Marriages Performed By ULC Clergy?
Universal Life Churches in Modesto or Seattle are not FAITH-BASED Churches, they are what they refer to as interfaith (Churches not devout to any one faith), nor do they adhere to any one Doctrine of Faith. In fact many question whether either are really a Church as they both have NO REAL DOCTRINE of FAITH as most would view such. While their Ministers by law are considered to be legal Wedding Ministers, legality is defined as in accord with statute, but not necessarily within the eyes of God and most definitely not within any one sect of Faith.
I often wonder about those who are married by Ministers of one of these ULC's in Modesto, CA., or Seattle, WA., how would the couple feel if they knew that both of these Churches ordained Followers of Satan and Atheists! I do not believe couples would be all too happy to find out their wedding vows are being said before a presiding Minister, ordained by a Church who ordains Followers of Satan or Atheists.....
I believe it is essential for those looking to wed who follow the Bible, that they are in fact ordained by a FAITH-BASED MINISTER. Claiming to be a Faith Based Minister, ordained by the ULC Modesto or ULC Seattle is a bit deceptive and I just do not feel it is right.
A Jewish or Christian couple who seek to have a clergy member perform the ceremony, deserve a Minister ordained or a Jewish Rabbi within the faith. (For Christian ULC Ordination:
I often receive questions about the biblical definition of marriage:
  • "Is a marriage ceremony required?"
  • "Do I have to be legally married to be married in the eyes of God?"
  • "Isn't a marriage ceremony just a man-made tradition?"
The Bible does not give specific details or directions about a marriage ceremony, yet it does mention weddings in several places. Jesus attended a wedding in John 2. Wedding ceremonies were a well-established tradition in Jewish history and in Bible times. Scripture is clear about marriage being a holy and divinely established covenant. It is equally clear about our obligation to honor and obey the laws of our earthly governments, which are also divinely established authorities. But, before we go any further, let's stop and examine the issue.

3 Positions

There are three commonly held beliefs about what constitutes a marriage in the eyes of God:
  1. The couple is married in the eyes of God when the physical union is consummated through sexual intercourse.
  2. The couple is married in the eyes of God when the couple is legally married.
  3. The couple is married in the eyes of God after they have participated in a formal religious wedding ceremony.
Let's break this down and see what the Bible says about the marriage covenant.
In Malachi 2:14 we see that marriage is a holy covenant before God. In the Jewish custom, God's people signed a written agreement at the time of the marriage to seal the covenant. The marriage ceremony, therefore, is meant to be a public demonstration of a couple's commitment to a covenant relationship. It's not the "ceremony" that's important in a marriage, it's the couple's covenant commitment before God and men.
It's interesting to carefully consider the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony and the "Ketubah" or marriage contract, which is read in the original Aramaic language. The husband accepts certain marital responsibilities, such as the provision of food, shelter and clothing for his wife, and promises to care for her emotional needs as well. This contract is so important that the marriage ceremony is not complete until it is signed by the groom and presented to the bride. This demonstrates that both husband and wife see marriage as more than just a physical and emotional union, but also as a moral and legal commitment. The Ketubah is also signed by two witnesses, and considered a legally binding agreement. It is forbidden for Jewish couples to live together without this document. For Jews, the marriage covenant symbolically represents the covenant between God and his people, Israel.
For Christians, marriage goes beyond the earthly covenant also, as a divine picture of the relationship between Christ and his Bride, the Church. It is a spiritual representation of our relationship with God.
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, he revealed something very important, something we often miss in this passage. In verses 17-18, Jesus said to the woman, "You have correctly said, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly." The woman had been hiding the fact that the man she was living with was not her husband. According to the New Bible Commentary notes on this passage of Scripture, Common Law Marriage had no religious support in the Jewish faith. Living with a person in sexual union did not constitute a "husband and wife" relationship. Jesus made that plain here.
Therefore, position number 1 (the couple is married in the eyes of God when the physical union is consummated through sexual intercourse) does not have a foundation in Scripture.
Romans 13:1-2 is one of several passages in Scripture that refers to the importance of believers honoring governmental authority in general: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." (NIV)
These verses give position number 2 (the couple is married in the eyes of God when the couple is legally married) a stronger biblical basis for support.
The problem, however, with a legal process only is that some governments require couples to go against the laws of God in order to be legally married. Also, there were many marriages that took place in history before governmental laws were established for marriage. Even today some countries have no legal requirements for marriage.
Therefore, a more correct biblical position for a couple, as believers, would be to submit to governmental authority and recognize the laws of the land, as long as that authority does not require them to break one of the laws of God.


I have heard many excuses about why a legal marriage should not be required:
  • "If we marry, we'll lose certain financial benefits."
  • "I have bad credit. It will ruin my spouse's credit if we get married."
  • "A piece of paper won't make any difference. It's our love and private commitment to each other that matters."
You can fill in the rest, as I'm sure you've heard some excuses too. The bottom line is, we can come up with hundreds of excuses not to obey God, but the life of faith and surrender will require a heart of obedience to our Lord. But (and here's the beautiful part), the Lord always blesses obedience!
Deuteronomy 28:2 
"You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God." 
Stepping out in faith and obedience requires us to trust in the Master as we follow his will. There is absolutely nothing we will give up for the sake of obedience that will compare to the blessing and joy of obedience. We will never really know, though, until we take the plunge and give it a try.


As Christians, it is important to focus on the true purpose of marriage when considering the wedding ceremony. Although the details are ultimately between the couple and God, the scriptural example encourages believers to enter into marriage in a way that honors God's covenant relationship, submits to the laws of God first and then the laws of the land, and gives public demonstration of the holy commitment that is being made. This can be carried out in a simple, private ceremony with only a few witnesses, or a large traditional wedding.
The details are not what's important, but rather, the couple's covenant commitment before God and men.

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
"Click Links to Join The ULC Network or For Our Sunday Service Online"
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Exclusive Universal Life Church Engraved Pens

Executive Series - Engraved Pens
Black or Silver - $11.99 Each
(Please Contact Us For Larger Qty Price Quote)
These high-quality retractable, black-ink engraved pens. These pens come in high-quality black or silver electroplated metal with a chrome tip. Our pens are laser-engraved for precision. Please Click  Here or on the Picture For More Details


The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal

Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Universal Life Church - Be Careful of FREE Ordination Claims


Universal Life Church  - Be Careful of FREE Ordination Claims
Ordination itself is free. No one, no where charges for ordination. This is a NO-BRAINER.
However it is very deceptive to advertise Free Ordination, because even though ordination is free, the certificate and/or verification letter or what some refer to as a letter of good standing are not free.
What these scam-artists do is they bait you with Free Ordination, and than once you become ordained, they say you need a certificate, a letter in good standing and bogus ministry kits with childish press passes, parking permits and other items that more resemble a batman activity set.
Make No Mistake - They Are Scammers and your Attorney General, Office of Consumer Protection Will Agree
The law requires for you to be considered legally ordained in ALL 50 States within the USA and in many countries YOU MUST HAVE IN YOUR POSSESSION CREDENTIALS OF MINISTRY. There is absolutely no exception to this. Simply becoming ordained online, this does not necessarily make you a legally ordained minister.
Why The Yearly Renewal?
Everybody charges such in one form or the other. First of all, understand we combine our certificate with unlimited verification letters (some call letter in good standing) for $39.95 annually, not just one each like the others charge.
This is absolutely the lowest price you can find anywhere 
In fact if you can find a lower price - We will match it.
Others charge $10 - $15 for one certificate and another $15 - $25 for each letter in good standing. Our certificate includes a built-in letter in good standing as our ordination certificate states: "Memeber in Good Standing" and YES MEMEBER is the correct spelling, as the word Member is incorrect.
For about $40 plus shipping you can get just one each from the others.
Again we provide both and we include one replacement certificate,
and unlimited letters in good standing if necessary for only $39.95.
With Letters in Good Standing or verifications, these are good for one year before they need to be renewed
Just because others choose to use deceptive offers or wording which includes Free Ordination and they choose not to be honest upfront with you - Don't fall for it. They are scammers pure & simple.
We Will Not Resort To Such Gimmicks or Untruths.
We Are Honest & a Christian Universal Life Church.
Look for the Official & Legitimate Universal Life Church at

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Universal Life Church - Now Provides State Certified Rehabilitation Counseling

Brother Michael is proud to introduce The newest member of our ULC Rehabilitation Services Team in Tallahassee, FL., Holly Anne Nickerson Anderson a native of Florida and a State of Florida licensed Rehabilitation Counselor with a earned Masters Degree, who is now on staff and is an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters as well. Medicaid and Medicare Accepted


The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Our Universal Life Church Ministers Are Highly Skilled Professionals

We ARE NOT of the non-Christian Universal Life Church that ordains anyone and everyone, having been known to ordain a dog or cat or even a dead Grandma.
I love animals, but lets face it not every individual, mut or feline are cut out to be a Minister.
This is a no brainer, not everybody in this world is cut out to be a brain surgeon, same applies to being a Minister. Now I realize there's individuals who say.......well Jesus, he had no training, nor did the disciples.
How stupid a statement......
Jesus was God in human form and the disciples had the absolutely best teacher to ever walk the face of the earth.
Our Universal Life Church ordains individuals our ordaining bishop feels are committed to serving the needs of others who possess a strong conviction toward Jesus Christ and our Christian Beliefs. NOT ONE individual has been ordained who has not personally spoken with our ordaining bishop.
These non-Christian ULC's who claim to have ordained 18 million, 20 million or more, they need to look closer at what what their real objective is. ALSO - individuals getting ordained by these other Universal Life Churches, they need to take the blinders off and see what these Churches real objective is and that is GREED.
We Offer Real Faith Based Ordination For Real Ministers.
We Offer Real Ordination, If Your Not For Real?
We Really Don't Want You!
Dogs, Cats, Dead Grandma's Need Not Apply 
Sorry But We Discriminate Against Animals & Dead People

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Are Other Churches or Seminaries Frauds?

Dear Prospective Student:

We are the only Universal Life Church whom offers FULLY ACCREDITED DEGREE programs through actual 3rd party Universities. We invite you to read this report issued by our Affiliate School and Law Enforcement, including the US Attorney General.

We may make little if anything by being honest. However, our objective is not to sell you worthless degrees and certificates only looking to make a buck. Our objective is for you to ascertain a degree in one of our recommended degree programs;
Biblical Studies
Pastoral Care
Education and/or Health Care
Sure We Could Choose to do Otherwise Like The Other
So-Called Churches & Schools, But We Choose Not Too.


Diploma Mills

What is a diploma mill?

A diploma mill is a fraudulent business that disguises itself as a legitimate church, college, university, or career school. A diploma mill (or "degree mill") will pose as a real university, and award degrees without truly evaluating academic work from its "students." Diploma mills make money by selling printed degrees and providing academic references or falsified transcripts to individuals who may or may not be aware that the credentials are meaningless.

A degree mill may sell degrees at all levels, from bachelor's degrees to doctoral degrees. A degree mill might also allow its customers to pay higher rates for academic honors (like summa cum laude). Degree mills typically attract two types of customers:
  • Individuals searching for a genuine academic program, who are unaware that they are enrolling at a degree mill.
  • Individuals who are aware that they are committing fraud, but nevertheless want to build their credentials quickly for academic or professional reasons.

How do diploma mills get started?

Online education is still a fairly new option in the world of colleges and universities. 

Traditional colleges and online colleges develop new programs every day, according to the career needs of changing student populations. It's difficult to keep track of all the new schools and new degrees that enter the higher education arena.  And since Web sites are fast and easy to build, a fraudulent school can create a convincing facade - one that mirrors the look of a legitimate online school.

Can you provide a specific example of a diploma mill?

There are two kinds of diploma mills: those that offer low quality courses, and those that merely sell you a piece of paper with your name on it.

One noteworthy example of a diploma mill involved Brian McNamee, a personal trainer for professional baseball athletes, including Roger Clemens. Reportedly, McNamee earned his doctoral degree from Columbus University, a diploma mill that had operated out of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama.

On its Web site, Columbus University claims to be, "The Established Name in Distance Education," and also claims to be accredited by the Adult Higher Education Alliance. This is a fake accrediting agency. Other degree mills include the ULC Seminary and Universal Life Church both in California, and also the Universal Life Church Monastery Storehouse. These so-called churches or seminary are nothing but degree mills, just like Columbia University. Only does the Universal Life Church and Christian Academy offers legitimate, fully accredited degree programs.

The Adult Higher Education Alliance is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education's Web site lists several established accrediting agencies including the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) and the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).

And there are other indicators that demonstrate Columbus University's illegitimacy. If you look up the registration information of the school's Web site, you can see that they list a third party company rather than a mailing address. This is not typical for a legitimate educational provider. Most schools disclose their complete contact information and mailing addresses with their registration information. Diploma mills have every reason to hide and mask their location, because they sell fraudulent degrees.

How can I tell if a school is a diploma mill?

  • They often have names similar to well-known colleges or universities, but fail to mention an accrediting agency or name a fake accrediting agency.
  • The organization frequently changes addresses, sometimes moving from state to state.
  • Written materials typically include numerous spelling and grammatical errors, sometimes on the diploma itself.
  • Overemphasis on the speed and brevity with which someone can receive a degree (e.g. "Call now and have your degree shipped to you overnight!").
  • Degrees can be earned in far less time than normal (e.g. 27 days) or the diploma is printed with a specific backdate.
  • There is no selectivity in admissions, or any questions about previous test scores or detailed academic history.
  • No interaction with professors or faculty (e.g. only two emails are received from a professor).
  • Degree requirements are vague or unspecified, lacking class descriptions and without any mention of how many credit hours are required to complete a program.
  • Tuition and fees are typically on a per-degree basis.
  • Grade point average (GPA) and academic honors (e.g. Summa Cum Laude) can be specified at the time of purchase.

What's being done about these degree mills?

Watch out for degree mills
Unfortunately, fraudulent schools continue to spread and are increasingly sophisticated in their scams. These diploma mills survive by operating in states that lack strict laws regarding school accreditation, such as California, Utah, Hawaii and Louisiana. They assume identities of well-known schools, or market themselves as a religious organization.

Because of constitutional safeguards, the United States guarantees separation of church and state. Most states are reluctant to pass any laws restricting the activities of churches, including their right to grant degrees. Diploma mills take advantage of this reluctance.

To further protect themselves and to take advantage of less rigorous laws, diploma mills often operate out of multiple political jurisdictions. They sell degrees only in other states or other countries. Many degree mills operate from England, selling fake degrees only to people in other countries, primarily the United States, Africa, and Asia.

It can sometimes be difficult to prove fraud in the case of a diploma mill. In some cases, a diploma mill may immunize itself from prosecution by being forthcoming about its business, fully acknowledging that it is a diploma mill. The individuals that buy degrees from this particular type of diploma mill are fully aware that they are getting a degree without having to complete any academic work. In this case, the diploma mill is arguably acting only as a business.

It is very risky to buy a fake degree, or claim to have a degree without having completed an accredited degree program. Consumers with bogus degrees are liable to find themselves embarrassed professionally, or even out of a job. The most severe consequence is having to face criminal charges. In Oregon, it is illegal to use a degree from an unlicensed institution to get a job or gain a promotion.

Remember: We  only offer accredited online schools that have been accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

How can I protect myself from diploma mills?

If you are looking to enroll in a degree program, it is important to research your online school thoroughly. If you have any doubts about an online program, take the following precautions:
  • Check the school Web site, to see if the school is accredited. If an agency is named, check to see if that accrediting agency is officially sanctioned. Legitimate accrediting agencies are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Both of those organizations list legitimate agencies on their Web sites. 
  • Check with the licensing boards and professional associations that regulate your industry to see if the program delivers an acceptable level of training.
  • Don't conduct your college research through newspaper classified ads.
  • Call or write the Better Business Bureau and the attorney general's office to make sure the school is operating legally in its home state. Ask if any complaints have been filed against the school.
  • Ask about the school's faculty: Who teaches the courses? What degrees do they have? What is their area of expertise?

How are fake degrees sold?

Diploma mills are fraudulent
At first glance, diploma mills may be difficult to detect. Their Web sites contain scenic campus photographs and promises of a dedicated faculty. Some diploma mills send vague email advertisements. Typically, the email doesn't mention a college or university name. Most simply state, "earn a degree from a prestigious, non-accredited university," and list only a phone number.

Here is a second example of a solicitation email from a diploma mill.

If you respond to a diploma mill ad, the customer representative is likely to deliver some (or all) of these sales pitches:
  • "Receive your degree from a prestigious, non-accredited university."
  • "Do you want a diploma without the dreary classes, droning professors and annoying exams?"
  • "You can receive a diploma from our university based on your present knowledge and life experience. No classes necessary!"
  • "There will be no required tests, classes, books or interviews."
  • "Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees are available in the field of your choice."
  • "You have been selected to earn your MBA."
  • "$425 will certify you for a bachelor's degree from John Doe University."
  • "You will receive your diploma within days.
  • "With an additional payment of $75 in tuition, you will earn Magna Cum Laude."
  • "If you enroll today, we will send you your diploma, a laminated, wallet-sized replica of your diploma, honors of your choice, transcripts, and letters of recommendation."
  • "You will receive unlimited support from us, including verification of your credentials to prospective employers."
  • "Get your bachelor's degree AND a master's degree today for $1,200."

Online learning is fast

But not that fast. Don't confuse accelerated degrees (which are offered by many legitimate online schools) with instant degrees (which are fake.)

Many online schools offer students the ability to earn their degree at an accelerated rate. Earning your MBA in as little as 10 months, for instance, is not an uncommon feature of online business colleges. But this does not mean less work. Rather, it means the online format allows you to participate in online classes, lectures, and projects as quickly as you can properly complete the required assignments.

If you encounter a school that offers you an "instant degree" or anything similar, you're looking at a scam. Any worthwhile degree will involve the completion of specific courses. Each course should involve new content lessons, graded assignments and/or graded exams.

Trust your instincts

If you have any persisting doubts, move on.  There are a lot of schools out there. Most of them have quality programs to offer. You can also be rest assured that the colleges and universities we affiliate with, without exception, are well-respected and well-known. We have established, active relationships with all of them. So if you find a program on our Web site, you can trust that it is reputable.

Peace & Blessings:
~ Brother Michael

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Life Is a One Way Ticket - You Choose The Destination


From Non-Christians you hear such things as: "
I believe God is a loving God he won't send me to hell because I'm a Non-Christian."
Don't be so naive. God himself through our Lord Jesus Christ told us emphatically his expectations.
For Non-Christians, I say to you this you better pray and hope to whatever god or idol you worship that Jesus Christ and Christianity is the biggest hoax this world has ever seen! It is your souls I pray for, luckily for you the Christian God is a loving God as you say and he provides you ample opportunity to come to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
However if you continue to rebuke Christ, don't believe for a minute you'll be handed a round trip ticket to hell and back, it is a one way ticket people and don't you forget it.
Now if you were living on a remote Island in the South Pacific and never heard of Jesus Christ, God may very well be the loving God you think he is and he wouldn't send such an individual to hell.
Follow Us On The Christian Pathway to Eternal Life
Life Is a One Way Ticket - You Choose The Destination

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA

Our Universal Life Church is Making News Headlines

A few things worth mentioning on this Monday. We're Making Headlines......
Now I'm not a huge fan of making wedding officiating a top priority of your ministry, yet as has been pointed out to me others want such to be the top priority. Wherefore this is the reason behind our new Universal Life Church "The Wedding Mall." This will become something very special. We will offer everything or anything any bride, groom or Minister would need, yet profits are going to go to Save Our Children. The latter is a part of the agreement for these merchants to have a place in our "The Wedding Mall."  No one is going to be raking in money here. Several of the merchants will be publishing press releases through CNN, Bride Magazine and others. It will provide us positive exposure, and it will net our Ministers additional revenue streams. We will be putting a promotional package together for Ministers who wish to participate. Use this The Wedding Mall to your advantage, it sets the services we offer apart from others as nobody comes close to offering such a package. (Click on the Picture for The Wedding Mall)
With the Order of St Michael (OSM) coins, these are simply beautiful minted coins, they are not stickers or painted and they come in a very attractive blue velour case. These are only available for a limited time. They will not be a continuously stocked item, supplies are very limited to protect the value and to insure they remain collectible items. If you are interested, the time to order is now. (Click on the Picture for The OSM Coin)
Again I want to emphasize professionalism and I highly recommend to all Ministers that they order a Minister Picture ID and Name Badge. This is a two for one item and no other Universal Life Church comes close to offering what we offer here. If you are serious about being an ordained Minister and want others to view you as a professional, these are a necessity. Order yours today, the lanyard, badge reel, badge clip, or the magnetic strip are included. (Click on the Picture for the Minister Picture ID/Name Badge)

ministerid 002.jpg

The Only Official Certified & Verified Ordinations
or Degree's Website With the Trust-Guard Seal
Universal Life Church
Tel No: (850)926-6085

Official Universal Life Church Website -
©2011 Universal Life Church and Christian Academy, USA